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Design and consensus content validity of the questionnaire for b-learning education: : A 2-Tuple Fuzzy Linguistic Delphi based Decision Support Tool

Published: 01 November 2023 Publication History


Classic Delphi and Fuzzy Delphi methods are used to test content validity of data collection tools such as questionnaires. Fuzzy Delphi takes the opinion issued by judges from a linguistic perspective reducing ambiguity in opinions by using fuzzy numbers. We propose an extension named 2-Tuple Fuzzy Linguistic Delphi method to deal with scenarios in which judges show different expertise degrees by using fuzzy multigranular semantics of the linguistic terms and to obtain intermediate and final results expressed by 2-tuple linguistic values. The key idea of our proposal is to validate the full questionnaire by means of the evaluation of its parts, defining the validity of each item as a Decision Making problem. Taking the opinion of experts, we measure the degree of consensus, the degree of consistency, and the linguistic score of each item, in order to detect those items that affect, positively or negatively, the quality of the instrument. Considering the real need to evaluate a b-learning educational experience with a consensual questionnaire, we present a Decision Making model for questionnaire validation that solves it. Additionally, we contribute to this consensus reaching problem by developing an online tool under GPL v3 license. The software visualizes the collective valuations for each iteration and assists to determine which parts of the questionnaire should be modified to reach a consensual solution.


A model to test content validity of questionnaires is proposed.
The model relies on linguistic 2-tuples, extended hierarchies, and the Delphi method.
A consensus process achieves a suitable degree of agreement between experts.
The model is applied in an actual blending learning experience in education.
We design a decision support system as an online tool for the model application.


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Published In

cover image Applied Soft Computing
Applied Soft Computing  Volume 147, Issue C
Nov 2023
1683 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


Publication History

Published: 01 November 2023

Author Tags

  1. Decision support system
  2. Multicriteria decision making
  3. Extended linguistic hierarchies
  4. Linguistic 2-tuples
  5. Questionnaire validation
  6. Consensus
  7. Fuzzy delphi method


  • Research-article


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