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Rams, hounds and white boxes: : Investigating human–AI collaboration protocols in medical diagnosis

Published: 01 April 2023 Publication History


In this paper, we study human–AI collaboration protocols, a design-oriented construct aimed at establishing and evaluating how humans and AI can collaborate in cognitive tasks. We applied this construct in two user studies involving 12 specialist radiologists (the knee MRI study) and 44 ECG readers of varying expertise (the ECG study), who evaluated 240 and 20 cases, respectively, in different collaboration configurations. We confirm the utility of AI support but find that XAI can be associated with a “white-box paradox”, producing a null or detrimental effect. We also find that the order of presentation matters: AI-first protocols are associated with higher diagnostic accuracy than human-first protocols, and with higher accuracy than both humans and AI alone. Our findings identify the best conditions for AI to augment human diagnostic skills, rather than trigger dysfunctional responses and cognitive biases that can undermine decision effectiveness.


We study how humans and AI can collaborate in cognitive tasks in the medical setting.
Two studies involved 12 radiologists and 44 ECG readers (for 240 and 20 cases, resp.)
AI support was found useful but XAI was associated with a null or detrimental effect.
AI-first protocols had higher accuracy than human-first ones and humans or AI alone.
Our findings identify the best conditions for AI to augment human diagnostic skills.


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cover image Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine  Volume 138, Issue C
Apr 2023
168 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd.

United Kingdom

Publication History

Published: 01 April 2023

Author Tags

  1. Human–AI collaboration protocols
  2. Artificial intelligence
  3. Explainable AI
  4. Cognitive biases
  5. Automation bias


  • Research-article


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