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Datalog rewritability and data complexity of ALCHOIQ with closed predicates

Published: 02 July 2024 Publication History


We study the relative expressiveness of ontology-mediated queries (OMQs) formulated in the expressive Description Logic ALCHOIQ extended with closed predicates. In particular, we present a polynomial time translation from OMQs into Datalog with negation under the stable model semantics, the formalism that underlies Answer Set Programming. This is a novel and non-trivial result: the considered OMQs are not only non-monotonic, but also feature a tricky combination of nominals, inverse roles, and counting. We start with atomic queries and then lift our approach to a large class of first-order queries where quantification is “guarded” by closed predicates. Our translation is based on a characterization of the query answering problem via integer programming, and a specially crafted program in Datalog with negation that finds solutions to dynamically generated systems of integer inequalities. As an important by-product of our translation we get that the query answering problem is co-NP-complete in data complexity for the considered class of OMQs. Thus, answering these OMQs in the presence of closed predicates is not harder than answering them in the standard setting. This is not obvious as closed predicates are known to increase data complexity for some existing ontology languages.


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Published In

cover image Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence  Volume 330, Issue C
May 2024
293 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd.

United Kingdom

Publication History

Published: 02 July 2024

Author Tags

  1. Description logics
  2. Closed predicates
  3. Datalog
  4. Query rewriting


  • Research-article


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