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A privacy-aware visual query approach for location-based data

Published: 01 October 2023 Publication History


Visual querying of location-based data assists users in expressing query requirements, investigating query results and making inferences. However, directly accessing data records exposes individual location information and may cause privacy issues. Conventional aggregation-based methods can preserve location-relevant privacy but may lead to the loss of detailed information and failure of analysis. Visualization aids users in gaining a deeper comprehension of the query process and the variation of information concerning privacy-preservation. In this paper, we present a privacy-aware visual query approach for location-based data. We propose a graph-based privacy-preserving scheme to protect location privacy in the visualization, and two visual metaphors to enhance understandings of information-variation in the privacy-preserving process. We design and implement a visual interface that supports a progressive process of query conditions specification and query results exploration. Experiments on real-world urban datasets demonstrate that our approach is capable of making a fair balance between location privacy and data analysis.

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Directly query location data may lead to privacy issues.
Anonymizing data preserves data privacy but limits data utility.
Graph-based anonymization sanitizes data privacy effectively and dynamically.
Interactive visual query interface enables a fair balance between privacy and utility.


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        Published In

        cover image Computers and Graphics
        Computers and Graphics  Volume 115, Issue C
        Oct 2023
        554 pages


        Pergamon Press, Inc.

        United States

        Publication History

        Published: 01 October 2023

        Author Tags

        1. Visual query
        2. Privacy protection
        3. Location-based data
        4. Data privacy


        • Research-article


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