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Effects of an asynchronous online data literacy intervention on pre-service and in-service educators’ beliefs, self-efficacy, and practices

Published: 01 July 2019 Publication History


Today's teachers are inundated with data, and their capacity to use data productively and responsibly is a salient but complex skillset. In this context, the present experimental study (N = 107) investigated the efficacy of an asynchronous online data literacy intervention intended for pre-service and in-service educators. The facilitated, interactive, and highly-structured intervention engaged participants in asking and answering four different kinds of questions (e.g., achievement status and growth, strengths and weaknesses, instructional implications) at five different student levels (e.g., individual, subgroup, school) with external, standardized assessment data presented in tables, charts, and score reports. Findings indicate medium-to-large intervention effects on participants' data-driven decision making self-efficacy and anxiety (ds ranged from .44 to 1.39) and in-school implementation of data use practices (d = 0.68). Impact patterns varied somewhat by population, though all sub-populations indicated highly favorable perceptions of the intervention.


Experimental efficacy study of online data literacy intervention for teachers.
Intervention targeted capacity to use external, standardized assessment data.
Effects on participants' data-driven decision making self-efficacy and anxiety.
Effects also observed for teacher classroom practices related to data use.
Participants indicated highly favorable perceptions of the intervention's impact.


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            Computers & Education  Volume 136, Issue C
            Jul 2019
            152 pages


            Elsevier Science Ltd.

            United Kingdom

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            Published: 01 July 2019

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            1. Improving classroom teaching
            2. Interactive learning environments
            3. Pedagogical issues
            4. Teaching/learning strategies


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