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Extreme learning machine based prediction of daily dew point temperature

Published: 01 September 2015 Publication History


An ELM-based model is proposed to predict daily dew point temperature.Weather data for two Iranian stations with different climate conditions were used.ELM model enjoys much greater predictions capability than SVM and ANN.Application of the proposed ELM model would be highly promising and appealing. The dew point temperature is a significant element particularly required in various hydrological, climatological and agronomical related researches. This study proposes an extreme learning machine (ELM)-based model for prediction of daily dew point temperature. As case studies, daily averaged measured weather data collected for two Iranian stations of Bandar Abass and Tabass, which enjoy different climate conditions, were used. The merit of the ELM model is evaluated against support vector machine (SVM) and artificial neural network (ANN) techniques. The findings from this research work demonstrate that the proposed ELM model enjoys much greater prediction capability than the SVM and ANN models so that it is capable of predicting daily dew point temperature with very favorable accuracy. For Tabass station, the mean absolute bias error (MABE), root mean square error (RMSE) and correlation coefficient (R) achieved for the ELM model are 0.3240 C, 0.5662 C and 0.9933, respectively, while for the SVM model the values are 0.7561 C, 1.0086 C and 0.9784, respectively and for the ANN model are 1.0324 C, 1.2589 C and 0.9663, respectively. For Bandar Abass station, the MABE, RMSE and R for the ELM model are 0.5203 C, 0.6709 C and 0.9877, respectively whereas for the SVM model the values are 1.0413 C, 1.2105 C and 0.9733, and for the ANN model are 1.3205 C, 1.5530 C and 0.9617, respectively. The study results convincingly advocate that ELM can be employed as an efficient method to predict daily dew point temperature with much higher precision than the SVM and ANN techniques.


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cover image Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture  Volume 117, Issue C
September 2015
277 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


Publication History

Published: 01 September 2015

Author Tags

  1. Dew point temperature
  2. Extreme learning machine (ELM)
  3. Prediction


  • Research-article


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