Cited By
View all- Duan SSai GSterpone LBartolini AButko A(2022)A secure authentication scheme based on differential public PUFProceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers10.1145/3528416.3530993(263-269)Online publication date: 17-May-2022
- Rührmair U(2012)SIMPL systems as a keyless cryptographic and security primitiveCryptography and Security10.5555/2184081.2184108(329-354)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2012
- Rührmair U(2011)SIMPL systems, orProceedings of the 37th international conference on Current trends in theory and practice of computer science10.5555/1946370.1946373(26-45)Online publication date: 22-Jan-2011