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View all- Zhang YChen ZGuo F(2010)Online/offline verification of short signaturesProceedings of the 6th international conference on Information security and cryptology10.5555/2031933.2031963(350-358)Online publication date: 20-Oct-2010
On-line/Off-line signatures are used in a particular scenario where the signer must respond quickly once the message to be signed is presented. The idea is to split the signing procedure into two phases: the off-line and on-line phases. The signer can ...
The "hash-sign-switch" paradigm was firstly proposed by Shamir and Tauman with the aim to design an efficient on-line/off-line signature scheme. However, all existing on-line/off-line signature schemes based on Shamir-Tauman's paradigm suffer from the ...
The notion of off-line/on-line digital signature scheme was introduced by Even, Goldreich and Micali. Informally such signatures schemes are used to reduce the time required to compute a signature using some kind of preprocessing. Even, Goldreich and ...
Berlin, Heidelberg