Unbiased Manifold Augmentation for Coarse Class Subdivision
Manifold coarse graining for online semi-supervised learning
ECMLPKDD'11: Proceedings of the 2011th European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - Volume Part IWhen the number of labeled data is not sufficient, Semi-Supervised Learning (SSL) methods utilize unlabeled data to enhance classification. Recently, many SSL methods have been developed based on the manifold assumption in a batch mode. However, when ...
Manifold coarse graining for online semi-supervised learning
ECML PKDD'11: Proceedings of the 2011 European conference on Machine learning and knowledge discovery in databases - Volume Part IWhen the number of labeled data is not sufficient, Semi-Supervised Learning (SSL) methods utilize unlabeled data to enhance classification. Recently, many SSL methods have been developed based on the manifold assumption in a batch mode. However, when ...
Multi-Label Manifold Learning
AAAI'16: Proceedings of the Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial IntelligenceThis paper gives an attempt to explore the manifold in the label space for multi-label learning. Traditional label space is logical, where no manifold exists. In order to study the label manifold, the label space should be extended to a Euclidean space. ...
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