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10.1007/978-3-030-98785-5_10guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype

RouteInfer: Inferring Interdomain Paths by Capturing ISP Routing Behavior Diversity and Generality

Published: 28 March 2022 Publication History


Accurate inference of interdomain paths between arbitrary source and destination is the foundation for many research areas, especially for the security of the Internet routing system. The widely used method to solve this problem is using standard policies based on the business relationship model, but it is far from satisfactory. We conduct an in-depth analysis on the inherent limitations of the path inference by standard routing policies and show that the routing behaviors of ISPs are diverse and standard import policies are oversimplified. Then we develop RouteInfer, an algorithm for accurately inferring interdomain paths by capturing ISP routing behaviors diversity and generality. RouteInfer uses a 3-layer policy model to extract the fine-grained policies and coarse-grained policies of ASes and can achieve high accuracy as well as good generalization ability. After extracting policies, we find another inherent challenge that there is still a huge number of ASes without inferred policies. To overcome this challenge, RouteInfer formulates the prediction of route decisions as a ranking problem and develops a learning-based approach especially for predicting route decisions. We carefully design node, link, and path features based on the understanding of actual route decisions. Overall, on average, RouteInfer achieves 81.64% accuracy. Compared with state-of-the-art inference algorithms, RouteInfer increases the inference accuracy by about 30.04% to 182.3%. Furthermore, we analyze the inferred policies and the route decision model to understand routing behaviors deeply. We find that many ASes set fine-grained policies for CDN ASes. Besides, most of the violations of the standard preference rule are related to p2p links in European IXPs.


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Cited By

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  • (2024)What is the next hop to more granular routing models?Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks10.1145/3696348.3696859(343-351)Online publication date: 18-Nov-2024
  • (2023)Replication: 20 Years of Inferring Interdomain Routing PoliciesProceedings of the 2023 ACM on Internet Measurement Conference10.1145/3618257.3624799(16-29)Online publication date: 24-Oct-2023

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      Published In

      cover image Guide Proceedings
      Passive and Active Measurement: 23rd International Conference, PAM 2022, Virtual Event, March 28–30, 2022, Proceedings
      Mar 2022
      690 pages



      Berlin, Heidelberg

      Publication History

      Published: 28 March 2022

      Author Tags

      1. Interdomain path inference
      2. BGP routing policy
      3. Network measurement


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      • (2024)What is the next hop to more granular routing models?Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks10.1145/3696348.3696859(343-351)Online publication date: 18-Nov-2024
      • (2023)Replication: 20 Years of Inferring Interdomain Routing PoliciesProceedings of the 2023 ACM on Internet Measurement Conference10.1145/3618257.3624799(16-29)Online publication date: 24-Oct-2023

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