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A dyadic multi-resolution deep convolutional neural wavelet network for image classification

Published: 01 March 2018 Publication History


For almost the past four decades, image classification has gained a lot of attention in the field of pattern recognition due to its application in various fields. Given its importance, several approaches have been proposed up to now. In this paper, we will present a dyadic multi-resolution deep convolutional neural wavelets' network approach for image classification. This approach consists of performing the classification of one class versus all the other classes of the dataset by the reconstruction of a Deep Convolutional Neural Wavelet Network (DCNWN). This network is based on the Neural Network (NN) architecture, the Fast Wavelet Transform (FWT) and the Adaboost algorithm. It consists, first, of extracting features using the FWT based on the Multi-Resolution Analysis (MRA). These features are used to calculate the inputs of the hidden layer. Second, those inputs are filtered by using the Adaboost algorithm to select the best ones corresponding to each image. Third, we create an AutoEncoder (AE) using wavelet networks of all images. Finally, we apply a pooling for each hidden layer of the wavelet network to obtain a DCNWN that permits the classification of one class and rejects all other classes of the dataset. Classification rates given by our approach show a clear improvement compared to those cited in this article.


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  1. A dyadic multi-resolution deep convolutional neural wavelet network for image classification



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      Published In

      cover image Multimedia Tools and Applications
      Multimedia Tools and Applications  Volume 77, Issue 5
      March 2018
      1287 pages


      Kluwer Academic Publishers

      United States

      Publication History

      Published: 01 March 2018

      Author Tags

      1. Adaboost
      2. Deep convolutional neural wavelet network
      3. Fast Wavelet Transform
      4. Image classification
      5. Multi-resolution
      6. Pattern recognition


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