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Better Physical Activity Classification using Smartphone Acceleration Sensor

Published: 01 September 2014 Publication History


Obesity is becoming one of the serious problems for the health of worldwide population. Social interactions on mobile phones and computers via internet through social e-networks are one of the major causes of lack of physical activities. For the health specialist, it is important to track the record of physical activities of the obese or overweight patients to supervise weight loss control. In this study, acceleration sensor present in the smartphone is used to monitor the physical activity of the user. Physical activities including Walking, Jogging, Sitting, Standing, Walking upstairs and Walking downstairs are classified. Time domain features are extracted from the acceleration data recorded by smartphone during different physical activities. Time and space complexity of the whole framework is done by optimal feature subset selection and pruning of instances. Classification results of six physical activities are reported in this paper. Using simple time domain features, 99 % classification accuracy is achieved. Furthermore, attributes subset selection is used to remove the redundant features and to minimize the time complexity of the algorithm. A subset of 30 features produced more than 98 % classification accuracy for the six physical activities.


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      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image Journal of Medical Systems
      Journal of Medical Systems  Volume 38, Issue 9
      September 2014
      309 pages


      Plenum Press

      United States

      Publication History

      Published: 01 September 2014

      Author Tags

      1. Acceleration
      2. Classification
      3. Healthcare
      4. Physical Activity
      5. Smartphone


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