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View all- Zeilberger HChen BFisch B(2024)BaseFold: Efficient Field-Agnostic Polynomial Commitment Schemes from Foldable CodesAdvances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 202410.1007/978-3-031-68403-6_5(138-169)Online publication date: 18-Aug-2024
If every language in coNP has a constant-round interactive proof system, then the polynomial-time hierarchy collapses [R.B. Boppana, J. Håstad, S. Zachos, Does co-NP have short interactive proofs? Information Processing Letters 25 (2) (1987) 127-132]. ...
Given a function f:Fm→F over a finite field F, a low degree tester tests its agreement with an m-variate polynomial of total degree at most d over F. The tester is usually given access to an oracle A providing the supposed restrictions of f to affine ...
We present the first explicit construction of Probabilistically Checkable Proofs (PCPs) and Locally Testable Codes (LTCs) of fixed constant query complexity which have almost-linear (= n * 2Õ(√log n)) size. Such objects were recently shown to exist (...
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