Kernel-based iVAT with adaptive cluster extraction
Index Terms
- Kernel-based iVAT with adaptive cluster extraction
iVAT and aVAT: enhanced visual analysis for cluster tendency assessment
PAKDD'10: Proceedings of the 14th Pacific-Asia conference on Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining - Volume Part IGiven a pairwise dissimilarity matrix D of a set of n objects, visual methods (such as VAT) for cluster tendency assessment generally represent D as an n×n image $\mathrm{I}(\tilde{\bf D})$ where the objects are reordered to reveal hidden cluster ...
An Improved Visual Assessment with Data-Dependent Kernel for Stream Clustering
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningAbstractThe advances of 5G and the Internet of Things enable more devices and sensors to be interconnected. Unlike traditional data, the large amount of data generated from various sensors and devices requires real-time analysis. The data objects in a ...
An Efficient Formulation of the Improved Visual Assessment of Cluster Tendency (iVAT) Algorithm
The VAT algorithm is a visual method for determining the possible number of clusters in, or the cluster tendency of a set of objects. The improved VAT (iVAT) algorithm uses a graph-theoretic distance transform to improve the effectiveness of the VAT ...
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Berlin, Heidelberg
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- Research-article
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- Deakin University
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