A critical success factor in requirements engineering involves determining and resolving conflicts among candidate system requirements proposed by multiple stakeholders. Many software projects have failed due to requirements conflicts among the stakeholders.
The WinWin system developed at USC provides an approach for resolving requirements conflicts among the stakeholders. The Winwin system provides a framework for negotiation between the stakeholders to identify and resolve these conflicts. However, such systems do not scale well for large software projects containing many requirements.
Based on an analysis of the options for addressing this problem, I have focused on semiautomated tools and techniques for identifying and resolving conflicts among software quality attributes. I have developed two prototype support tools, QARCC and S-COST, which expand the capabilities of the WinWin system. QARCC focuses on software architecture strategies for achieving quality attribute objectives. S-COST focuses on tradeoffs among software cost, functionality, and other quality attributes. I have also developed portions of underlying theories and models which serve as the basis for the prototype tools.
Finally, I evaluated the theories, models, and tools with the results of WinWin negotiations, such as the CS577 15-project samples.
Cited By
- Mejbri Y, Khemaja M and Raies K Analysis of pervasive games based learning systems requirements using game theory Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality, (1019-1024)
- Mairiza D, Zowghi D and Nurmuliani N An investigation into the notion of non-functional requirements Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, (311-317)
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