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View all- Pirrone RPilato GRizzo RRusso G(2005)Learning path generation by domain ontology transformationProceedings of the 9th conference on Advances in Artificial Intelligence10.1007/11558590_37(359-369)Online publication date: 21-Sep-2005
The testing of a state-based system may involve the application of a number of adaptive test cases. Where the implementation under test (IUT) is deterministic, the response of the IUT to some adaptive test case γ1 could be capable of determining the ...
Combinatorial interaction testing (CIT), a black-box testing method, has been well studied in recent years. It aims at constructing an effective interaction test suites, so as to identify the faults that are caused by interactions among parameters. ...
Classical built-in self-test (BIST) approaches are largely based on pseudorandom testing, and using linear feedback shift registers (LFSR) for test set generation and test response compaction. In this paper, we are concentrating on one possible ...
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