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This document describes SPUR Lisp a Common Lisp superset designed and implemented at U.C. Berkeley. Function calling sequences, system data structures, memory management policies, etc. are all described in detail. Reasons for the more important decisions are given. SPUR Lisp is implemented in BARB, a software simulator for SPUR hardware. In addition to describing the design of SPUR Lisp, this paper provides documentation for the BARB simulator, the SPUR Lisp compiler, and associated tools.
Cited By
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- Wood D and Katz R Supporting reference and dirty bits in SPUR's virtual address cache Proceedings of the 16th annual international symposium on Computer architecture, (122-130)
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- Pallas J and Ungar D Multiprocessor Smalltalk: a case study of a multiprocessor-based programming environment Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 1988 conference on Programming language design and implementation, (268-277)
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Register allocation in the SPUR Lisp compiler
SIGPLAN '86: Proceedings of the 1986 SIGPLAN symposium on Compiler constructionRegister allocation is an important component of most compilers, particularly those for RISC machines. The SPUR Lisp compiler uses a sophisticated, graph-coloring algorithm developed by Fredrick Chow [Chow84]. This paper describes the algorithm and the ...