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This paper describes an implementation of the multiprocessing features of SPUR Lisp. The implementation consists of a set of C runtime routines that is being integrated into the Lisp system. It was developed on Sun workstation under the Sprite operating system, and will ported to the SPUR multiprocessor workstations when the hardware becomes available. In this report, we describe the internal structure of the system, design tradeoffs, and present preliminary performance figures. We hope this paper will be useful to other implementors of these multiprocessing features.
Evaluation of the SPUR Lisp architecture
Special Issue: Proceedings of the 13th annual international symposium on Computer architecture (ISCA '86)The SPUR microprocessor has a 40-bit tagged architecture designed to improve its performance for Lisp programs. Although SPUR includes just a small set of enhancements to the Berkeley RISC-II architecture, simulation results show that with a 150-ns ...
Register allocation in the SPUR Lisp compiler
SIGPLAN '86: Proceedings of the 1986 SIGPLAN symposium on Compiler constructionRegister allocation is an important component of most compilers, particularly those for RISC machines. The SPUR Lisp compiler uses a sophisticated, graph-coloring algorithm developed by Fredrick Chow [Chow84]. This paper describes the algorithm and the ...