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- Gajski D and Vahid F (1995). Specification and Design of Embedded Hardware-Software Systems, IEEE Design & Test, 12:1, (53-67), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2010.
- Alupoaei S and Katkoori S (2018). Net Clustering Based Constructive and Iterative Improvement Approaches for Macro-Cell Placement, Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems, 37:1, (151-163), Online publication date: 1-May-2004.
- öwall V, Torkelson M and Egelberg P (2019). A Custom Image Convolution DSP with a Sustained Calculation Capacity of >1 GMAC/s and Low I/O Bandwidth, Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems, 23:2-3, (335-350), Online publication date: 1-Nov-1999.
- Trainor D, Woods R and McCanny J (2018). Architectural Synthesis of Digital Signal ProcessingAlgorithms Using “IRIS”, Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems, 16:1, (41-55), Online publication date: 1-May-1997.
- Trainor D, Woods R and Mccanny J (2018). Architectural Synthesis of Digital Signal Processing Algorithms Using "IRIS", Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems, 16:1, (41-55), Online publication date: 1-May-1997.
- Potkonjak M, Kim K and Karri R Methodology for behavioral synthesis-based algorithm-level design space exploration Proceedings of the 34th annual Design Automation Conference, (252-257)
- Hamblen J, Owen H, Yalamanchili S and Dao B Using rapid prototyping in computer architecture design laboratories Proceedings of the 1996 workshop on Computer architecture education, (4-es)
- Landman P and Rabaey J Activity-sensitive architectural power analysis for the control path Proceedings of the 1995 international symposium on Low power design, (93-98)
- Verbauwhede I and Rabaey J (1995). Synthesis for real time systems, Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems, 9:1-2, (67-88), Online publication date: 11-Jan-1995.
- Corazao M, Khalaf M, Guerra L, Potkonjak M and Rabaey J Instruction set mapping for performance optimization Proceedings of the 1993 IEEE/ACM international conference on Computer-aided design, (518-521)
- Chandrakasan A, Potkonjak M, Rabaey J and Brodersen R HYPER-LP Proceedings of the 1992 IEEE/ACM international conference on Computer-aided design, (300-303)
A compiler optimization to reduce execution time of loop nest
In this paper, a compiler optimization to reduce the execution time of loop nest is proposed. Loop tiling is used to optimize loop nest. Loop tiling is the well-known optimization for improving locality. However, it has a count result that increases the ...
Fast-path loop unrolling of non-counted loops to enable subsequent compiler optimizations
ManLang '18: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Managed Languages & RuntimesJava programs can contain non-counted loops, that is, loops for which the iteration count can neither be determined at compile time nor at run time. State-of-the-art compilers do not aggressively optimize them, since unrolling non-counted loops often ...
An Improved FPGAs-Based Loop Pipeline Scheduling Algorithm for Reconfigurable Compiler
APPT 2013: Revised Selected Papers of the 10th International Symposium on Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies - Volume 8299Reconfigurable compilers have shown significant promise in the field of reconfigurable computing, and pipeline scheduling algorithms are typically concerned with improving iteration performance or saving the resources. However, the lack of loop pipeline ...