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Using bottom-up design techniques in the synthesis of digital hardware from abstract behavioral descriptions

Published: 02 July 1986 Publication History


This paper reports on a new method for using bottom-up design information in the synthesis of integrated circuits from abstract behavioral descriptions. There are two important ways in which this method differs from traditional top-down synthesis techniques. First, it draws on a newly developed procedural database to collect detailed information on the physical and logical properties of the primitives available for building the design. Second, it uses a different method for representing and organizing knowledge about a design that makes possible estimates of physical placement and wiring in the analysis of that design, even at the abstract register-transfer level. This allows a more accurate evaluation of candidate register-transfer designs without doing a full logic-level or transistor-level layout. It also leads to a simple method for systematically exploring the space of possible designs in order to find the one that best meets the designer's objectives and constraints.


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  • (2006)Scheduling and Partitioning Schemes for Low Power Designs Using Multiple Supply VoltagesThe Journal of Supercomputing10.1007/s11227-006-0140-y35:1(93-113)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2006
  • (2001)An RTL design-space exploration method for high-level applicationsProceedings of the 2001 Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference10.1145/370155.370313(162-168)Online publication date: 30-Jan-2001
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Published In

cover image ACM Conferences
DAC '86: Proceedings of the 23rd ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference
July 1986
835 pages
  • Chairman:
  • Don Thomas



IEEE Press

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Published: 02 July 1986

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Overall Acceptance Rate 1,770 of 5,499 submissions, 32%

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