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Designing the informing process with streamers and bystanders in live streaming

Published: 12 August 2024 Publication History


The ubiquity of synchronous information disclosure technologies (e.g., live streaming) has heightened the risk of bystanders being unknowingly captured. While prior work has largely focused on solutions aimed only at informing the key stakeholder - bystanders, there remains a gap in understanding how device owners and bystanders mutually expect the informing process, which is critical to ensure successful informing. To address this gap, we utilized live streaming as a case study and conducted a design ideation study with 21 participants, including both streamers and bystanders. Our focus was to understand streamers' and bystanders' needs for informing regarding bystander privacy at the ideation state and derive design principles. Participants' design ideas reflected various and nuanced privacy concerns, from which we identified key design principles for future design.


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SOUPS '24: Proceedings of the Twentieth USENIX Conference on Usable Privacy and Security
August 2024
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