Near-optimal algorithms for gaussians with huber contamination: mean estimation and linear regression
Robust sparse estimation for gaussians with optimal error under huber contamination
ICML'24: Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine LearningWe study Gaussian sparse estimation tasks in Huber's contamination model with a focus on mean estimation, PCA, and linear regression. For each of these tasks, we give the first sample and computationally efficient robust estimators with optimal error ...
Near-optimal algorithms for unique games
STOC '06: Proceedings of the thirty-eighth annual ACM symposium on Theory of ComputingUnique games are constraint satisfaction problems that can be viewed as a generalization of Max-Cut to a larger domain size. The Unique Games Conjecture states that it is hard to distinguish between instances of unique games where almost all constraints ...
A Variant of Huber Robust Regression
In this paper, we develop a variant of Huber robust regression. Our approach is inspired by Huber's M estimates; however, we deal with the scale estimate differently. The class of estimators we develop includes least squares and least absolute residuals ...
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Curran Associates Inc.
Red Hook, NY, United States
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