The adaptationist stance and evolutionary computation
Ecological theory provides insights about evolutionary computation
GECCO '18: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference CompanionPromoting diversity in an evolving population is important for Evolutionary Computation (EC) because it reduces premature convergence on suboptimal fitness peaks while still encouraging both exploration and exploitation [3]. However, some types of ...
Archived elitism in evolutionary computation: towards improving solution quality and population diversity
Many evolutionary algorithms, developed for solving complex optimisation problems, deploy the elitist strategy. The elitist strategy ensures that a group of the fittest individuals will be transferred to the next generation before performing any ...
Fecundity and selectivity in evolutionary computation
GECCO '11: Proceedings of the 13th annual conference companion on Genetic and evolutionary computationThe number of offspring produced by each parent---that is, the fecundity of reproducing individuals---varies among evolutionary computation methods and settings. In most prior work fecundity has been tied directly to selectivity, with higher selection ...
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