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Stochastic Dominance and Expected Utility: Survey and Analysis

Published: 01 April 1992 Publication History


While Stochastic Dominance has been employed in various forms as early as 1932, it has only been since 1969-1970 that the notion has been developed and extensively employed in the area of economics, finance, agriculture, statistics, marketing and operations research.
In this survey, the first-, second-and third-order stochastic dominance rules are discussed with an emphasis on the development in the area since the 1980s.


ABOUDI, R. AND D. THON, "Efficient Algorithms for Stochastic Dominance Tests Based on Financial Market Data," Working Paper, 1989.
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E. B. LINDENBERG AND L. C. RAFSKY, "An Efficient Algorithm to Determine Stochastic Dominance Admissible Set," Management Sci., 25 (1979), 609-622.
J. BONDURTHA, M. R. RAO AND H. L. SURI, "On Determination of Stochastic Dominance Optimal Set," J. Finance, 40 (1985), 417-431.
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BEY, R. P., "Estimating the Optimal Stochastic Dominance Efficient Set with Mean Semi-Variance Algorithms," J. Financial and Quantitative Anal., 14 (1979), 1059-1070.
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K. M. HOWE, "A Gini's Mean Difference and Portfolio Selection: An Empirical Evaluation," J. Financial and Quantitative Anal., 19 (1984), 329-338.
R. B. PORTER, "Portfolio Applications: Comparison of Selection Models," Stochastic Dominance. An Approach to Decision-Making Under Risk, Whitmore, G. A., and Findlay, M. C. (Eds.). D. C. Heath, Lexington, MA, 1978, 263-292.
BISHOP, J. A., S. CHAKRABORTI AND P. D. THISTLE, "Asymptotically Distribution-Free Statistical Inference for Generalized Lorenz Curves," Rev. Economics and Statist., 71 (1989), 725-727.
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M. A. GIRSHICK, Theory of Games and Statistical Decisions, Wiley, New York, 1954.
BLAYBACK, B. K. AND G. KARAPHILLIS, "A Selection Technique for Capital Investment Decisions: An Industrial Application of Stochastic Dominance," Rev. Business and Economic Res., 18 (1983), 1-12.
BOOTH, J. R., H. TEHRANIAN AND G. L. TRENNEPOHL, "Efficiency Analysis and Option Portfolio Selection," J. Financial and Quantitative Anal., 20 (1985), 435-450.
BORCH, V. S., "A Note on Uncertainty and Indifference Curves," Rev. Economic Studies, 36 (1969), 1-4.
BOYER, MARCEL, GEORGES DIONNE AND RICHARD KHILSTROM, "Insurance and the Value of Publicly Available Insurance," In Thomas B. Fomby and Tae Kun Seo (Eds.), Studies in the Economics of Uncertainty. In Honor of Josef Hadar, Springer Verlag, New York, 1989, 137-155.
BRADLEY, M. G. AND D. E. LEHMAN, "Instrument Effects and Stochastic Dominance," Insurance, Math, and Economics, 7 (1988), 185-191.
BRENNAN, MICHAEL AND ALAN KRAUS, "Efficient Financing Under Asymmetric Information," J. Finance, (1987), 1225-1243.
BROOKS, R., "Investment Decision-Making with Derivative Securities," Financial Rev., 24 (1989), 511-527.
H. LEVY, "Efficiency Analysis with Index Options," Working Paper, University of Florida, 1989.
J. YODER, "Using Stochastic Dominance to Evaluate the Performance of Portfolios with Options," Financial Analysts J., 43 (1987), 79-82.
BROSKE, MARY S. AND HAIM LEVY, "The Stochastic Dominance Estimation of Default Probability," In Thomas B. Fomby and Tae Kun Seo (Eds.), Studies in the Economics of Uncertainty. In Honor of Josef Hadar, Springer Verlag, New York, 1989, 91-112.
BRUMELLE, S. L., "When Does Diversification Between Two Investments Pay?" J. Financial and Quantitative Anal., 9 (1974), 473-482.
BUCKLEY, J., "Stochastic Dominance: An Approach to Decision Making Under Risk," 6 (1986), 35-41.
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CHAING, R., "Some Results on Bond Yield and Default Probability," Southern Economic J., 53 (1987), 1037-1051.
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CHEW, SOO HONG, "A Generalization of the Quasilinear Mean with Applications to the Measurement of Income Inequality and Decision Paradox Resolving the Allais Paradox," Econometrica, 51 (1983), 1065-1092.
CHOI, E. K. AND S. R. JOHNSON, "Stochastic Dominance and Uncertain Price Prospects," Southern Economic J., 55 (1989), 699-709.
CLARKE, R. G., "Stochastic Dominance of Portfolio Insurance Strategies," Working Paper, Brigham Young University, 1988.
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DESHPANDE, J. V. AND H. SINGH, "Testing for Second Order Stochastic Dominance," Comm. Statist. Part A: Theory and Methods, 14 (1985), 887-897.
DEXTER, A. S., J. S. W. YU AND W. T. ZIEMBA, "Portfolio Selection in a Lognormal Market When the Investor has a Power Utility Function: Computational Results," Stochastic Programming, Dempster, M. A. (Ed.), Academic Press, London, 1980, 507-523.
DIAMOND, P. A. AND J. E. STIGLITZ, "Increases in Risk and in Risk Aversion," J. Economy Theory, 8 (1974), 337-360.
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EATON, P., "Stochastic Dominance in Two-Stage Problem with Linear Criteria," Engineering Economist, 33 (1988), 211-234.
EDEN, B., "Stochastic Dominance in Human Capital," J. Political Economics, 87 (1980), 135-145.
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R. B. PORTER, "Optimal Portfolios with One Safe and One Risky Asset: Effects of Changes in Rates of Return and Risk," Management Sci., 22 (1976), 1064-1073.
R. G. VICKSON, "Theoretical Foundations of Stochastic Dominance," Stochastic Dominance. An Approach to Decision-Making Under Risk, Whitmore, G. A. and Findlay, M. C. (Eds.), D. C. Heath, Lexington, MA, 1978, 39-114.
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cover image Management Science
Management Science  Volume 38, Issue 4
April 1992
149 pages



Linthicum, MD, United States

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Published: 01 April 1992

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  1. choice under uncertainty
  2. decision analysis
  3. decision-making
  4. risk
  5. risky investment choice
  6. stochastic dominance
  7. stochastic dominance application
  8. theory
  9. valuation theory: utility/preference theory


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