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Cited By
- Creiner A and Jackson S (2023). Borel complexity and Ramsey largeness of sets of oracles separating complexity classes, Mathematical Logic Quarterly, 69:3, (267-286), Online publication date: 28-Aug-2023.
- Viola E New Sampling Lower Bounds via the Separator Proceedings of the conference on Proceedings of the 38th Computational Complexity Conference, (1-23)
- Hirahara S and Nanashima M Finding errorless pessiland in error-prone heuristica Proceedings of the 37th Computational Complexity Conference, (1-28)
- Aaronson S, Ingram D and Kretschmer W The acrobatics of BQP Proceedings of the 37th Computational Complexity Conference, (1-17)
- Lecomte V, Ramakrishnan P and Tan L The composition complexity of majority Proceedings of the 37th Computational Complexity Conference, (1-26)
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- Hitchcock J, Sekoni A and Shafei H (2021). Polynomial-Time Random Oracles and Separating Complexity Classes, ACM Transactions on Computation Theory, 13:1, (11-16), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2021.
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- Beyersdorff O, Chew L and Sreenivasaiah K (2019). A game characterisation of tree-like Q-Resolution size, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 104:C, (82-101), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2019.
- Chen L and Tell R Bootstrapping results for threshold circuits “just beyond” known lower bounds Proceedings of the 51st Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing, (34-41)
- Lovett S and Zhang J DNF sparsification beyond sunflowers Proceedings of the 51st Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing, (454-460)
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- Chattopadhyay E and Li X Non-malleable codes and extractors for small-depth circuits, and affine functions Proceedings of the 49th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing, (1171-1184)
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- Viola E (2015). The communication complexity of addition, Combinatorica, 35:6, (703-747), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2015.
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- Rossman B Formulas vs. circuits for small distance connectivity Proceedings of the forty-sixth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing, (203-212)
- Fournier H, Limaye N, Malod G and Srinivasan S Lower bounds for depth 4 formulas computing iterated matrix multiplication Proceedings of the forty-sixth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing, (128-135)
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Index Terms
- Computational limitations of small-depth circuits
The Complexity of Computational Circuits Versus Radix
The complexity of computational circuits versus radix is analyzed. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given that ensure that the complexity of certain computational circuits will be a monotonically decreasing function of radix. Mechanizations of a ...
Matroids with many small circuits and cocircuits
AbstractTutte proved that a non-empty 3-connected matroid with every element in a 3-element circuit and a 3-element cocircuit is either a whirl or the cycle matroid of a wheel. This result led to the Splitter Theorem. More recently, Miller ...
Lower Bounds for Depth-Three Arithmetic Circuits with small bottom fanin
Shpilka & Wigderson (IEEE conference on computational complexity, vol 87, 1999) had posed the problem of proving exponential lower bounds for (nonhomogeneous) depth-three arithmetic circuits with bounded bottom fanin over a field $${{\mathbb{F}}}$$F of ...