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Customizable and extensible deployment for mobile/cloud applications

Published: 06 October 2014 Publication History


Modern applications face new challenges in managing today's highly distributed and heterogeneous environment. For example, they must stitch together code that crosses smartphones, tablets, personal devices, and cloud services, connected by variable wide-area networks, such as WiFi and 4G. This paper describes Sapphire, a distributed programming platform that simplifies the programming of today's mobile/cloud applications. Sapphire's key design feature is its distributed runtime system, which supports a flexible and extensible deployment layer for solving complex distributed systems tasks, such as fault-tolerance, code-offloading, and caching. Rather than writing distributed systems code, programmers choose deployment managers that extend Sapphire's kernel to meet their applications' deployment requirements. In this way, each application runs on an underlying platform that is customized for its own distribution needs.


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OSDI'14: Proceedings of the 11th USENIX conference on Operating Systems Design and Implementation
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