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10.5555/2671225.2671270guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype

Preventing cryptographic key leakage in cloud virtual machines

Published: 20 August 2014 Publication History


In a typical infrastructure-as-a-service cloud setting, different clients harness the cloud provider's services by executing virtual machines (VM). However, recent studies have shown that the cryptographic keys, the most crucial component in many of our daily used cryptographic protocols (e.g., SSL/TLS), can be extracted using cross-VM side-channel attacks. To defeat such a threat, this paper introduces HERMES, a new system that aims to protect the cryptographic keys in the cloud against any kind of cross-VM side-channel attacks by simply partitioning the cryptographic keys into random shares, and storing each share in a different VM. Moreover, it also periodically re-shares the cryptographic keys, thereby invalidating the potentially extracted partial ones. We have implemented HERMES as a library extension that is transparent to the application software, and performed deep case studies with a web and a mail server on Amazon EC2 cloud. Our experimental results show that the runtime overhead of the proposed system can be as low as 1%.


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      Published In

      cover image Guide Proceedings
      SEC'14: Proceedings of the 23rd USENIX conference on Security Symposium
      August 2014
      1067 pages
      • Program Chair:
      • Kevin Fu


      • Akamai: Akamai
      • Google Inc.
      • IBMR: IBM Research
      • NSF
      • Microsoft Reasearch: Microsoft Reasearch
      • USENIX Assoc: USENIX Assoc


      USENIX Association

      United States

      Publication History

      Published: 20 August 2014


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