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Strategic selection of advanced manufacturing technologies (AMT), based on the manufacturing vision

Published: 01 September 2006 Publication History


Advanced manufacturing technologies (AMT) are perceived by companies to be important factors in the search for competitiveness. However research has shown that a large percentage of adoptions of AMT fail to achieve the expected benefits. One reason for this may be the failure to fully consider the strategic impact of AMT. Although the literature has AMT models and frameworks that include strategic factors, it fails to offer a practical methodology which companies can use in selecting appropriate AMT. This work presents a strategic approach to AMT selection, considering AMT as a resource that will underpin the achieving of a manufacturing vision. The work takes as its base an existing process for developing a manufacturing vision, and enhances it by the incorporation of an AMT selection framework. The framework for the strategic selection of AMT was developed from a literature review followed by field research in the machine-tools sector. The framework was then operationalised through the Cambridge process approach. The framework and related process were refined through individual interviews with seven experts, and two seminars and finally tested in two case studies. The process, based on the AMT selection framework, proved to be feasible, usable and useful.


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  1. Strategic selection of advanced manufacturing technologies (AMT), based on the manufacturing vision



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    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology
    International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology  Volume 27, Issue 1
    September 2006
    82 pages
    Issue’s Table of Contents


    Inderscience Publishers

    Geneva 15, Switzerland

    Publication History

    Published: 01 September 2006

    Author Tags

    1. AMT selection
    2. Cambridge process approach
    3. advanced manufacturing technology
    4. machine tools
    5. manufacturing strategy
    6. manufacturing vision
    7. resource-based view of the firm


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