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10.5555/1885721.1885760guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype

Modularizing spatial ontologies for assisted living systems

Published: 01 September 2010 Publication History


Assisted living systems are intended to support daily-life activities in user homes by automatizing and monitoring behavior of the environment while interacting with the user in a non-intrusive way. The knowledge base of such systems therefore has to define thematically different aspects of the environment mostly related to space, such as basic spatial floor plan information, pieces of technical equipment in the environment and their functions and spatial ranges, activities users can perform, entities that occur in the environment, etc. In this paper, we present thematically different ontologies, each of which describing environmental aspects from a particular perspective. The resulting modular structure allows the selection of application-specific ontologies as necessary. This hides information and reduces complexity in terms of the represented spatial knowledge and reasoning practicability. We motivate and present the different spatial ontologies applied to an ambient assisted living application.


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  1. Modularizing spatial ontologies for assisted living systems



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    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image Guide Proceedings
    KSEM'10: Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Knowledge science, engineering and management
    September 2010
    617 pages
    • Editors:
    • Yaxin Bi,
    • Mary-Anne Williams


    • Springer
    • University of Ulster
    • Artificial Intelligence Journal
    • Belfast Visitor & Convention Bureau
    • European Office of Aerospace Research and Development, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, United States Air Force Research Laboratory



    Berlin, Heidelberg

    Publication History

    Published: 01 September 2010

    Author Tags

    1. conceptual modeling in knowledge-based systems
    2. knowledge engineering
    3. knowledge-based systems in life sciences
    4. ontologies


    • Article


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