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Joint time-frequency segmentation algorithm for transient speech decomposition and speech enhancement

Published: 01 August 2010 Publication History


We develop an algorithm, the joint time-frequency segmentation algorithm, where the wavelet packet coefficients of the analyzed speech signal are represented as tiles of a time-frequency representation adapted to the characteristics of the signal itself. Further, our algorithm enables the decomposition of the speech signal into transient and non-transient components, respectively. Any block of wavelet packet coefficients, whose tiling height is larger than or equal to the tiling width belongs to the transient component and vice versa for the non-transient component. The transient component is selectively amplified and recombined with the original speech to generate the modified speech with energy adjusted to be equal to the original speech. The intelligibility of the original and modified speech is evaluated by 16 human listeners. Word recognition rate results show that the modified speech significantly improves speech intelligibility in background noise, i.e., by 10% absolute at 0 dB to 27% absolute at - 30 dB.


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Cited By

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  • (2017)A local entropy-based algorithm for information content extraction from timefrequency distributions of noisy signalsDigital Signal Processing10.1016/j.dsp.2017.08.00570:C(155-165)Online publication date: 1-Nov-2017



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Published In

cover image IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing  Volume 18, Issue 6
August 2010
34 pages


IEEE Press

Publication History

Published: 01 August 2010
Revised: 23 September 2009
Received: 03 May 2009

Author Tags

  1. joint time-frequency (TF) segmentation
  2. speech enhancement
  3. speech intelligibility
  4. transient component
  5. wavelet packet transform


  • Article


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  • (2017)A local entropy-based algorithm for information content extraction from timefrequency distributions of noisy signalsDigital Signal Processing10.1016/j.dsp.2017.08.00570:C(155-165)Online publication date: 1-Nov-2017

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