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The effect of emotions and cognitions on continuance intention in information systems

Published: 01 February 2009 Publication History


While much of the prior studies on Information system (IS) adoption and usage continuance have examined cognitive factors, the emotion factors in understanding and predicting user behavior remained relatively unexplored. This study proposed a hybrid model that integrates emotion, cognition, satisfaction, and post adoption behavior in order to obtain a better understanding of users' continuance intention of IS. Three hundred and eighteen Blackboard Learning System (BLS) users were obtained from a survey. The paper assessed the psychometric properties of the measures through confirmatory factor analysis and then employed structural equation modeling analysis in order to examine the prospective model to better predict users' continuous adoption of IS. The results show that positive and negative emotions mediate the effect of confirmation and directly predict user satisfaction. However, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use predict the level of user satisfaction better than emotions and perceived usefulness is the stronger predictor of user satisfaction than other variables.


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Published In

cover image WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications
WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications  Volume 6, Issue 2
February 2009
193 pages


World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)

Stevens Point, Wisconsin, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 February 2009

Author Tags

  1. confirmation
  2. continuous adoption intention
  3. negative emotion
  4. perceived ease of use
  5. perceived usefulness
  6. positive emotion
  7. satisfaction


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