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The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence of a Leader and Employee Motivation to Job Performance

Published: 01 October 2013 Publication History


This quantitative study investigated the bond between a leader's emotional intelligence to employee motivation. The research was conducted at a federal government agency resided north bound of the United States of America. Participants consisted of 350 full time employees from various units of the organization. The leader's emotional intelligence was tested with Emotional Social Competence Inventory ESCI tool, whereas employees' motivation was verified with the Four Drive 4-D instrument. The study depicted a link between a leader's emotions and employee interest to excel. Emotional aptitude scored high, which indicates that the leader's emotion affected employees' behavior. Employees likely to stay with the organization displayed strong organizational awareness with high sense of belonging. The different groups observed, revealed results with both positive and negative significant correlations p <.05. The final outcome depicted that a leader's emotional intelligence influenced employees' motivation to excel. As the sample size was large some of the results were generalized.


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  • (2018)Emotional Intelligence and Personality Traits as Predictors of Job Performance of IT EmployeesInternational Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals10.4018/IJHCITP.20180701059:3(70-83)Online publication date: 1-Jul-2018
  1. The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence of a Leader and Employee Motivation to Job Performance



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      cover image International Journal of Strategic Information Technology and Applications
      International Journal of Strategic Information Technology and Applications  Volume 4, Issue 4
      October 2013
      103 pages
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      IGI Global

      United States

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      Published: 01 October 2013

      Author Tags

      1. Emotional Competency
      2. Emotional Intelligence
      3. Employee Motivation
      4. Four Drive 4-D
      5. Job Performance
      6. Social Media
      7. Technology


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      • (2018)Emotional Intelligence and Personality Traits as Predictors of Job Performance of IT EmployeesInternational Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals10.4018/IJHCITP.20180701059:3(70-83)Online publication date: 1-Jul-2018

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