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Latent Topic Model for Indexing Arabic Documents

Published: 01 January 2014 Publication History


In this paper, the authors present latent topic model to index and represent the Arabic text documents reflecting more semantics. Text representation in a language with high inflectional morphology such as Arabic is not a trivial task and requires some special treatments. The authors describe our approach for analyzing and preprocessing Arabic text then we describe the stemming process. Finally, the latent model (LDA) is adapted to extract Arabic latent topics, the authors extracted significant topics of all texts, each theme is described by a particular distribution of descriptors then each text is represented on the vectors of these topics. The experiment of classification is conducted on in house corpus; latent topics are learned with LDA for different topic numbers K (25, 50, 75, and 100) then the authors compare this result with classification in the full words space. The results show that performances, in terms of precision, recall and f-measure, of classification in the reduced topics space outperform classification in full words space and when using LSI reduction.


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Published In

cover image International Journal of Information Retrieval Research
International Journal of Information Retrieval Research  Volume 4, Issue 1
January 2014
85 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


IGI Global

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 January 2014

Author Tags

  1. Arabic Text Classification
  2. LDA
  3. LSI
  4. Latent Topic Model
  5. Preprocessing Data
  6. SVM
  7. Stemming
  8. Text Representation


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