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A Publicly Verifiable Dynamic Secret Sharing Protocol for Secure and Dependable Data Storage in Cloud Computing

Published: 01 July 2012 Publication History


Data storage is an important application of cloud computing, where the users can remotely store their data into the cloud. This new paradigm of data storage service also introduces security challenges, such as Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of data. The protection of these issues in cloud is a very challenging and potentially formidable task, especially for the users with constrained resources. Therefore, an independent auditing service is required to address these issues of data stored in the cloud. The existing schemes may not scale well for this purpose. This paper proposes a publicly verifiable dynamic secret sharing scheme for the Availability, Integrity and Confidentiality of data. Their scheme takes advantages of both Secret Sharing and Tornado code which can achieve the computational security and maintain low communication overhead in terms of shortened data dispersing size. The authors' model gives probabilistic proofs of Integrity of data by challenging random blocks from the server to reduce the computation and communication overhead, and also supports dynamic data operations to data shares in cloud using index table. Through extensive security analysis, their scheme can provide secure, dependable, and publicly verifiable cloud data storage in the Cloud against threats. Through the performance and experimental results, the authors prove that their scheme is efficient than existing schemes.


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  1. A Publicly Verifiable Dynamic Secret Sharing Protocol for Secure and Dependable Data Storage in Cloud Computing



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    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing
    International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing  Volume 2, Issue 3
    July 2012
    109 pages
    Issue’s Table of Contents


    IGI Global

    United States

    Publication History

    Published: 01 July 2012

    Author Tags

    1. Availability
    2. Cloud Storage
    3. Confidentiality
    4. Integrity
    5. Linear Code
    6. Probability Detection
    7. Secret Sharing
    8. Tornado Code


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