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What Constitutes a Helpful Health-Related Answer?: : The Impacts of Emotional Content and Question-Answer Congruence

Published: 23 May 2024 Publication History


Given the unwieldy glut of information in online health question-answer (Q&A) service, it is essential to understand what constitutes helpful answers in the medical domain. Despite the fact that studies have examined the impacts of answer content factors on answer helpfulness, there are two gaps that need further analysis. First, the empirical results of the existing relevant studies on the effect of answer emotion are inconsistent. Second, prior studies only have examined the independent impacts of answer content factors and question content cues on answer helpfulness. To fill this gap, a research model reflecting the impacts of emotional content and question-answer congruence on answer helpfulness was developed and empirically examined. Our empirical analyses confirm that emotional content and answer helpfulness are related to one another in the form of an inverted U-shape and indicate that two types of question-answer congruence (emotional intensity congruence and linguistic style matching) positively affect answer helpfulness. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.


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Published In

cover image Journal of Global Information Management
Journal of Global Information Management  Volume 32, Issue 1
Aug 2024
1843 pages


IGI Global

United States

Publication History

Published: 23 May 2024

Author Tags

  1. Answer Helpfulness
  2. Emotional Content
  3. Linguistic Style Matching
  4. Online Health Q&A Community
  5. Question-Answer Congruence


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