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The Mediating Effect of Knowledge Sharing and Usage on Human Resource Practices and Innovative Behavior: : Developing vs. Countries of Crisis

Published: 02 November 2024 Publication History


As work contexts dynamically evolve, enhancing managerial human resource practices (HRP) becomes crucial to foster employee innovative behavior (IB) while promoting positive knowledge usage (KU) and sharing (KS). This paper examines their latent ambidexterity resulting from HRP and strategies. After a thorough literature review, evidence of the relationship between HRP and IB is revealed, mediated by KS and KU. A quantitative questionnaire is designed, and data from Lebanon and the GCC region are analyzed using SPSS. Findings reveal a direct HRP-IB link with partial sequential mediation by KS and KU in the GCC. The effects of HRP and IB are significant with sequential mediations. This study offers insight into the HRP-IB correlation, emphasizing the mediating roles of KS and KU. It highlights the importance of effective HRP and the utilization of KS and KU in the organizational macroenvironment. Focusing on Lebanon's crisis and the GCC's prosperity, the study uniquely examines these variables' relationship, providing a comprehensive understanding of their dynamics in the workplace.


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  1. The Mediating Effect of Knowledge Sharing and Usage on Human Resource Practices and Innovative Behavior: Developing vs. Countries of Crisis
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              Published In

              cover image International Journal of Knowledge Management
              International Journal of Knowledge Management  Volume 20, Issue 1
              Feb 2024
              488 pages


              IGI Global

              United States

              Publication History

              Published: 02 November 2024

              Author Tags

              1. Crisis
              2. HRM Practices
              3. Innovation
              4. Knowledge Sharing
              5. Knowledge Usage


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