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ISSN 1234-3099 (print version)

ISSN 2083-5892 (electronic version)


Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Journal Impact Factor (JIF 2023): 0.5

5-year Journal Impact Factor (2023): 0.6

CiteScore (2023): 2.2

SNIP (2023): 0.681

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Article in volume


B. Durhuus

Bergfinnur Durhuus

Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen

email: durhuus@math.ku.dk


A. Lucia

Angelo Lucia

Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics and Institute for Quantum Information & Matter, California Institute of Technology

email: alucia@caltech.edu



Recursion relations for chromatic coefficients for graphs and hypergraphs



Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 42(1) (2022) 101-121

Received: 2019-03-25 , Revised: 2019-07-06 , Accepted: 2019-07-31 , Available online: 2019-11-18 , https://doi.org/10.7151/dmgt.2248


We establish a set of recursion relations for the coefficients in the chromatic polynomial of a graph or a hypergraph. As an application we provide a generalization of Whitney's broken cycle theorem for hypergraphs, as well as deriving an explicit formula for the linear coefficient of the chromatic polynomial of the $r$-complete hypergraph in terms of roots of the Taylor polynomials for the exponential function.


chromatic polynomials, hypergraphs, broken cycles


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