Mathematicae Graph Theory 19(2) (1999) 251-252
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7151/dmgt.1101
Zdzisław Skupień
Faculty of Applied Mathematics
University of Mining and Metallurgy AGH
al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
e-mail: skupien@uci.agh.edu.pl
We shall use the distance chromatic index defined by the present author in early nineties, cf. [5] or [4] of 1993. The edge distance of two edges in a multigraph M is defined to be their distance in the line graph L(M) of M. Given a positive integer d, define the d+-chromatic index of the multigraph M, denoted by q(d)(M), to be equal to the chromatic number χ of the dth power of the line graph L(M),
Then the colour classes are matchings in M with edges at edge distance larger than d apart.
Call C to be a cyclic multigraph if C consists of a cycle on n vertices with possibly more than one edge between two consecutive vertices.
The following problem was presented in [6].
Problem. Given an integer d ≥ 2 and a cyclic multigraph C, find (or estimate) q(d)(C), the d+-chromatic index of C.
In other words, generalize the following formula due to Berge [1] for the ordinary chromatic index (q = q1)
where Δ(C) and e(C) are the maximum degree among vertices and the size of C, respectively.
Remarks 1. 2+-chromatic index q(2) is known under the name strong chromatic index, estimations of q(2)(C) being studied in [2,3].
2. In [5] it is proved that
where pCn is the cyclic multigraph C with all edge multiplicities equal to p.
3. Let M be a loopless multigraph whose underlying graph is a forest. Then q(d)(M), the d+-chromatic index of M, can be seen to be equal to the diameter-d cluster (or diameter-d edge-clique) number of M (i.e., the density of the dth power, L(M)d, of the line graph of M). This extends the known corresponding results on a tree [5] and on q(2)(M) in [2].
[1] | C. Berge, Graphs and Hypergraphs (North-Holland, 1973). |
[2] | P. Gvozdjak, P. Horák, M. Meszka and Z. Skupień, Strong chromatic index for multigraphs, Utilitas Math., to appear. |
[3] | P. Gvozdjak, P. Horák, M. Meszka and Z. Skupień, On the strong chromatic index of cyclic multigraphs, Discrete Appl. Math., to appear. |
[4] | Z. Skupień, Some maximum multigraphs and chromatic d-index, in: U. Faigle and C. Hoede, eds., 3rd Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, (Fac. Appl. Math. Univ. Twente) Memorandum No. 1132 (1993) 173-175. |
[5] | Z. Skupień, Some maximum multigraphs and edge/vertex distance colourings, Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 15 (1995) 89-106, doi: 10.7151/dmgt.1010. |
[6] | Z. Skupień, Problem 4, (on the list of problems presented at workshop:) Cycles and Colourings held at Stará Lesná, Slovakia, September 10-15, 1995. |
Received 21 March 1999
Revised 13 September 1999