Chatbots: An Analysis of the State of Art of Literature
Considering the context of Computer Science, Chatbots are computer programs that, through techniques of Artificial Intelligence, aim to simulate human behavior when at the moment of a dialogue through text messages. Despite being a relatively new area of study, the application of this concept has increased considerably, whether in academic settings or in commercial applications, such as situations involving assistants to clarify doubts on websites of manufacturers of electronic products or even in services such as telephony. Thus, this article proposes an analysis of the state of the art of research through a quantitative bibliometric analysis, supported by the Scopus database.
Chatbots, Bibliometric analysis, Systematic literature review
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Coppin, B. (2015). Inteligência Artificial. 1st ed. Rio de Janeiro: Ltc.
Franco, C. (2014). Inteligência Artificial. 1st ed. Londrina: Educacional.
Freire, P. (2013). Aumente a qualidade e a quantidade de suas publicações científicas: manual para elaboração de projetos e artigos científicos. 1st ed. Curitiba: Crv.
Fryer, L. and Carpenter, R. (2006). Bots as language learning tools. Language Learning and Technology. 10 (3) 8-14.
Ginsburg, M. (2002). The catacomb project: building a user-centered portal the conversational way. Fourth International Workshop on Web Information and Data Management. 84-87, ACM Press.
Huang, J., Zhou, M. and Yang, D. (2007). Extracting Chatbot Knowledge from Online Discussion Forums. In: 20TH International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Iijcai 2007, 423 - 428.
Lima, L. A. (2014). Estudo de implementação de um robô de conversação em curso de língua estrangeira em ambiente virtual: um caso de estabilização do Sistema Adaptativo Complexo: Doctoral Thesis. Belo Horizonte: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais.
Russell, S. and Norvig, P. (2013). Inteligência Artificial. 3rd ed. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier.
Turney, P. and Littman, M. (2003). Measuring praise and criticism: Inference of Semantic Orientation from Association. Acm Transactions On Information Systems. 21 (4) 315-346, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
Como Citar
BERNARDINI, Andréia Ana; SÔNEGO, Arildo A.; POZZEBON, Eliane.
Chatbots: An Analysis of the State of Art of Literature. In: WORKSHOP ON ADVANCED VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTS AND EDUCATION (WAVE), 1. , 2018, Florianópolis-SC.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 1-6.