Bio-Control of Salmonella Enteritidis in Foods Using Bacteriophages
<p>Transmission electron micrographs (TEM) of phage PA13076 (<b>A</b>) and PC2184 (<b>B</b>).</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The thermal stability of phages PA13076 (<b>A</b>) and PC2184 (<b>B</b>); and the pH stability of phages PA13076 and PC2184 (<b>C</b>).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Lytic effects of phage PA13076 and PC2184 against the specified hosts of liquid cultures <span class="html-italic">in vitro</span>: (<b>A</b>) PA13076 and (<b>B</b>) PC2184.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Effects of individual phages on growth of SE ATCC13076 and CVCC2184 on the surface of chicken breast at 4 °C and 25 °C. Each chicken breast sample was inoculated with either SE ATCC13076 (<b>A</b>,<b>B</b>) or SE CVCC2184 (<b>C</b>,<b>D</b>) (1 × 10<sup>4</sup> CFU), and phage PA13076 or PC2184 was applied (1 × 10<sup>8</sup> PFU) later (CK, inoculated control without phage; T, treated with phage). The titers of phage were also detected each sampling time (indicated in a dotted line). Date represent the mean ± S.D. (<span class="html-italic">n</span> = 3), <b>*</b> represents <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05 (Duncan’s test).</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Effects of individual phages on growth of SE ATCC13076 and CVCC2184 in milk samples at 4 °C and 25 °C. Each milk sample was inoculated with either SE ATCC13076 (<b>A</b>,<b>B</b>) or SE CVCC2184 (<b>C</b>,<b>D</b>) (1 × 10<sup>4</sup> CFU), and phage PA13076 or PC2184 was applied (1 × 10<sup>8</sup> PFU) later (CK, inoculated control without phage; T, treated with phage). The titers of phage were also detected each sampling time (indicated in a dotted line). Date represent the mean ± S.D. (<span class="html-italic">n</span> = 3), <b>*</b> represents <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05 (Duncan’s test).</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Effects of individual phages on growth of SE ATCC13076 and CVCC2184 on the surface of Chinese cabbage samples at 4 °C and 25 °C. Each sample was inoculated with either SE ATCC13076 (<b>A</b>,<b>B</b>) or SE CVCC2184 (<b>C</b>,<b>D</b>) (1 × 10<sup>4</sup> CFU), and phage PA13076 or PC2184 was applied (1 × 10<sup>8</sup> PFU) later (CK, inoculated control without phage; T, treated with phage). The titers of phage were also detected each sampling time (indicated in a dotted line). Date represent the mean ± S.D. (<span class="html-italic">n</span> = 3), <b>*</b> represents <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05 (Duncan’s test).</p> "> Figure 6 Cont.
<p>Effects of individual phages on growth of SE ATCC13076 and CVCC2184 on the surface of Chinese cabbage samples at 4 °C and 25 °C. Each sample was inoculated with either SE ATCC13076 (<b>A</b>,<b>B</b>) or SE CVCC2184 (<b>C</b>,<b>D</b>) (1 × 10<sup>4</sup> CFU), and phage PA13076 or PC2184 was applied (1 × 10<sup>8</sup> PFU) later (CK, inoculated control without phage; T, treated with phage). The titers of phage were also detected each sampling time (indicated in a dotted line). Date represent the mean ± S.D. (<span class="html-italic">n</span> = 3), <b>*</b> represents <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05 (Duncan’s test).</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Efficacy of phage cocktail on reducing SE mixture treated food samples at 4 °C and 25 °C: (<b>A</b>,<b>B</b>) chicken breast; (<b>C</b>,<b>D</b>) pasteurized whole milk; and (<b>E</b>,<b>F</b>) Chinese cabbage. Each sample was inoculated with 1 × 10<sup>4</sup> CFU of SE mix (CK), or 1 × 10<sup>4</sup> CFU of SE mix and 1 × 10<sup>8</sup> PFU of phage cocktail (T). Date represent the mean ± S.D. (<span class="html-italic">n</span> = 3), <b>*</b> represents <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05 (Duncan’s test).</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Stability of phage PA13076 and PC2184 over 72 h of incubation on the three kinds of food at 4 °C and 25 °C (the data for the milk sample at 48 h was lacking). Each sample was inoculated with 4 × 10<sup>8</sup> PFU of phage. Date represent the mean ± S.D. (<span class="html-italic">n</span> = 3), <b>*</b> represents <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05 compared to the original phage numbers (Duncan’s test).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Salmonella Cultures, Media and Growth Conditions
2.2. Isolation and Purification of Lytic Salmonella Phages
2.3. Morphology of the Isolated Phages
2.4. Thermal and pH Stability
2.5. In Vitro Experiment of Phage Mediated Lysis
2.6. Host Ranges of Phage
2.7. Food Sample Preparation
2.8. Individual Phage Treatment of Their Respective Hosts
2.9. Phage Cocktail Control of SE Mixture
2.10. Determination of Phage Stability on Foods
2.11. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Lytic Phages Isolation and Purification
3.2. Phages Morphologies
3.3. Thermal and pH Stability
3.4. Lytic Activity of Phages PA13076 and PC2184 on Its Host in Vitro
3.5. Host Ranges of Phage PA13076 and Phage PC2184
3.6. Efficacy of Individual Phage in the Bio-Control SE in Contaminated Foods
3.7. Efficacy of Phage Cocktail on Reducing SE Mixture
3.8. Stability of Phage on the Treated Foods
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Files
Supplementary File 1Acknowledgments
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Bao, H.; Zhang, P.; Zhang, H.; Zhou, Y.; Zhang, L.; Wang, R. Bio-Control of Salmonella Enteritidis in Foods Using Bacteriophages. Viruses 2015, 7, 4836-4853.
Bao H, Zhang P, Zhang H, Zhou Y, Zhang L, Wang R. Bio-Control of Salmonella Enteritidis in Foods Using Bacteriophages. Viruses. 2015; 7(8):4836-4853.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBao, Hongduo, Pengyu Zhang, Hui Zhang, Yan Zhou, Lili Zhang, and Ran Wang. 2015. "Bio-Control of Salmonella Enteritidis in Foods Using Bacteriophages" Viruses 7, no. 8: 4836-4853.
APA StyleBao, H., Zhang, P., Zhang, H., Zhou, Y., Zhang, L., & Wang, R. (2015). Bio-Control of Salmonella Enteritidis in Foods Using Bacteriophages. Viruses, 7(8), 4836-4853.