Magnetic Nanoparticle Sensors
<p>Principle of Type I MRSws. Dispersed magnetic nanoparticles (NPs) form an aggregate upon binding with target analytes (triangle). The aggregated form of the NPs dephases the spins of the surrounding protons of water molecules more efficiently than NPs present as the dispersed state. The effect is observed as a decrease in spin-spin relaxation time, T<sub>2</sub> (reproduced with permission from reference [<a href="#b52-sensors-09-08130" class="html-bibr">52</a>]).</p> ">
<p>Methods for the improvement in MRSw assay sensitivities. (A) MPs (●) aggregate in a homogeneous magnetic field, whereas NPs (□) do not respond. A T<sub>2</sub> increase in time is observed in a 0.47 T field (gray) in an MP solution, but not in an NP solution. The T<sub>2</sub> value of the MP solution decreases as the MPs are dispersed with the field turn-off (white). Note that a T<sub>2</sub> increase is observed with MP aggregation. (type II MRSw). Since this effect is slowed by the viscosity of the medium, T<sub>2</sub>-based viscometer can be obtained, see [<a href="#b7-sensors-09-08130" class="html-bibr">7</a>]. (B) Three strategies for enhancing the sensitivities with a type II MRSw assay. (a) A decreased concentration of MPs formed aggregates at a lower concentration of analyte (anti-Tag antibody) than that of NPs. MPs are larger than NPs and used at a lower concentration. (b) Application of a magnetic field (0.47 T) induced aggregation of MPs as in (A) and accelerated the interaction between MPs and analytes. (c) Target valency enhancement by addition of a secondary antibody (sheep anti-mouse). The valency increase of targets from two (anti Tag) to four (anti Tag:anti mouse) enhanced MRSw sensitivities. Figure reproduced with permission from reference [<a href="#b6-sensors-09-08130" class="html-bibr">6</a>].</p> ">
<p>(A). Schematic representation of a miniaturized chip-based NMR system, diagnostic magnetic resonance (DMR). (B). NMR based CMOS RF biosensor. A complete NMR system was built with a portable platform (reproduced with permission (A) from reference [<a href="#b10-sensors-09-08130" class="html-bibr">10</a>] and (B) from reference [<a href="#b21-sensors-09-08130" class="html-bibr">21</a>]).</p> ">
<p>Principle of a SQUID-based homogeneous detector of bacteria. A. A pulse-form magnetic field orients the magnetic moments of NPs. B. After the field pulse is over, Brownian motion randomizes the magnetic moments of unbound NPs. However, the Brownian rotations of NPs bound to the bacteria are restricted. The bound NPs undergo Néel relaxation for reorientation of the magnetic moments. The SQUID detects the slower Néel relaxation for the bound NPs (reproduced with permission from reference [<a href="#b36-sensors-09-08130" class="html-bibr">36</a>]).</p> ">
<p>A schematic representation of a giant magnetoresistive (GMR) sensor for an ELISA-type protein assay. A. The probe surface was functionalized with a specific antibody, while the control surface was passivated with BSA. B. A sample solution was added for a specific binding of analyte proteins to the probe surface. C. A biotinylated antibody bound to the surface-immobilized analytes. D. Finally streptavidin-coated NPs were added for tagging the probe surface by biotin-streptavidin interaction. GMR signals were detected for sensing the presence of analytes on the surface. Courtesy from [<a href="#b48-sensors-09-08130" class="html-bibr">48</a>].</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Magnetic Relaxation Switches (MRSws)
2.1. Mechanism of MRSws
2.2. Magnetic Particles
2.3. Instrumentation
2.4. Applications of Type I and Type II MRSw's
2.4.1. Type I MRSw
2.4.2. Type II MRSw
3. Magnetic Particle Relaxation-Based Sensors
3.1. Theory
3.2. Assays
3.2.1. Néel Relaxation Sensors
3.2.2. Brownian Relaxation Sensors
4. Magnetoresistive Sensors
5. Conclusions
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Particle | Size | Composition | Characteristics | Reference |
CLIO | ∼30 nm | 5 nm core, 10 nm dextran coating | MRSw, R2 = 50 (s·mM Fe)-1 | [5] |
Core/shell | 16 nm | Fe core, iron oxide shell, 2.5 nm shell thickness | MRSw, R2 = 260 (s·mM Fe)-1 | [17] |
Mn-MNPa | 16 nm | Mn-doped iron oxide | MRSw, R2 = 420 (s·mM metal)-1 | [16] |
MP | 1000 nm | Commercial (Dynabeads) | MRSw, R2 = 43 (s·mM Fe)-1 | [19] |
Iron oxide | 56 nm | Commercial (Quantum Magnetics, Miltenyi Biotech) | SQUID | [35,36] |
Iron oxide | 19.5 nm | AC susceptometer | [42] | |
Cubic FeCo | 12.8 nm | 1.5 nm oxidized shell | GMR | [49] |
SAFb | 100 nm | Multilayers of ferromagnetic, interlayer of nonmagnetic material | GMR, disk shape | [47] |
Magnetic bead | 130, 250 nm | Commercial (Micromod Partikeltechnologie) | SQUID | [43] |
Analyte | Magnetic particle/instrumentation | Sensitivity | Sample volume | Reference | |
MRSw type I | nucleotide | CLIO, bench top relaxometer | Low nM∼pM | 300 μL | [4,5] |
proteins | CLIO, bench top relaxometer | Low nM | 300 μL | [5,9] | |
virus | CLIO, MRI | 50 viruses/100 μL | 100 μL | [11] | |
bacteria | core/shell, DMRa | 20 CFUb/100 μL (membrane filetered) | 5 μL | [17] | |
Cancer cell | Mn-MNP, DMR | 2 cells/1 μL | 5 μL | [16] | |
MRSw Type II | antibody | MP, bench top relaxometer | <1 pM | 300 μL | [19] |
AC susceptometer | antibody | Iron oxide NP | <1 nM | [42] | |
SQUID | bacteria | Iron oxide NP | 1.1 × 105 bacteria/20 μL | [36] | |
DNA | Magnetic bead | 3∼10 pM (signal amplification) | [43] | ||
GMR | Protein | Cubic FeCo NP | 2 × 106 proteins | 2 μL | [49] |
DNA | Antiferromagnetic NP | 10 pM | [47] | ||
Protein | Iron oxide NP | 2.4 pM | [48] |
© 2009 by the authors; licensee Molecular Diversity Preservation International, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license (
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Koh, I.; Josephson, L. Magnetic Nanoparticle Sensors. Sensors 2009, 9, 8130-8145.
Koh I, Josephson L. Magnetic Nanoparticle Sensors. Sensors. 2009; 9(10):8130-8145.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKoh, Isaac, and Lee Josephson. 2009. "Magnetic Nanoparticle Sensors" Sensors 9, no. 10: 8130-8145.
APA StyleKoh, I., & Josephson, L. (2009). Magnetic Nanoparticle Sensors. Sensors, 9(10), 8130-8145.