Optical and Electronic NOx Sensors for Applications in Mechatronics
<p>General comparison of emission standards in USA, and Europe.</p> ">
<p>Schematic diagram of the photoacoustic sensor.</p> ">
<p>Photoacoustic signal from QCL-based PA cell versus NO concentration.</p> ">
<p>SEM micrograph of thermally annealed Au-NPs. Reprinted with permission from [<a href="#b30-sensors-09-03337" class="html-bibr">30</a>].</p> ">
<p>XP spectra and different chemical environments relevant to pristine and annealed Au-NPs. Reprinted with permission from reference [<a href="#b30-sensors-09-03337" class="html-bibr">30</a>].</p> ">
<p>Schematic diagram of the Au-NPs FET sensor.</p> ">
<p>Calibration curve of a Au-NP sensor exposed to NO<sub>2</sub> in a N<sub>2</sub>/O<sub>2</sub> carrier flow <span class="html-italic">(panel b</span>) and responses of the same sensor to NO<sub>2</sub> and interfering species <span class="html-italic">(panel a)</span>. In both cases the working temperature is 175 °C. Reprinted with permission from reference [<a href="#b30-sensors-09-03337" class="html-bibr">30</a>].</p> ">
<p>XPS data with deconvoluted Gaussian-Lorentzian component fits of an InAs surface in the C 1<span class="html-italic">s</span> region and before and after functionalization with hemin (1mM, 3h dipping) in the N 1<span class="html-italic">s</span> region.</p> ">
<p>500 nm × 500 nm AFM images of InAs and GaN surfaces before and after functionalizeation with 1 and 2 mM hemin solutions. White dots for 2mM solution indicate hemin aggregates formation.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
1.1. State of art NOx sensors: achievements and open issues
2. Optical Sensors
2.1. NO photoacoustic sensor
3. Electronic sensors
3.1. Si-Field Effect Gas Sensor
4. III-V Semiconductor Based Sensor
5. Conclusions
References and Notes
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Reference | Chemicals | Laser source | Detection limit at SNR = 3 (ppbv) | Normalized detection limit (ppbv · W) |
Elia et al. [16] | NO | Pulsed QCL5.3 μm Room temperature | 450 | 0.9 |
Kosterev et al. [17] | N2O | cw QCL4.55 μm Liquid N2 cooled | 12 | 1.2 |
Lima et al. [18] | N2O, NO2 | Pulsed QCLs6.2 μm; 8 μm Room temperature | 240 | 1.2 |
Pushkarsky et al. [19] | NO2 | cw QCL (external grating cavity)6.3 μm Room temperature | 1.5 | 0.45 |
Reference | Chemicals | Catalytically active material | Detection limit |
Ieva et al. [11] | NO, NO2 | Core-shell Au-NPs stabilized by tetraalkylammonium chloride | 50 ppm @175 °C |
Hanwell et al. [20] | NO2 | Core-shell Au-NPs functionalised by 4-methylbenzenethiol, 1-hexanethiol or 1-dodecanethiol | 0.5 ppm @22 °C |
Filippini et al [22] D. Filippini, L. Fraigi, R. Aragon, U.Weimar, Thick film Au-gate field-effect devices sensitive to NO2, Sensors and Actuators B 81 (2002) 296-300. | NO2 | Thermally evaporated gold thin film | 15 ppm @180 °C |
Baratto et al. [23] | NO, NO2 | Au-doped micro-porous silicon layers | 5 ppm @20 °C |
Steffes et al. [24] | NO2 | Au-NPs modified RF-sputtered In2O3 film | 10 ppm @400 °C |
Detection limit (ppm) | Selectivity | |
QCL-based PA sensor | 0.45 | HC, CO2, H2O, NO2, N2O, SOx |
Au-NPs FET | 50 | NH3, H2, CO and C3H6. |
Hemin-GaN HFET | 4 | O2, CO2, N2 |
YSZ lambda gauges | 50 | low |
© 2009 by the authors; licensee Molecular Diversity Preservation International, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/).
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Di Franco, C.; Elia, A.; Spagnolo, V.; Scamarcio, G.; Lugarà, P.M.; Ieva, E.; Cioffi, N.; Torsi, L.; Bruno, G.; Losurdo, M.; et al. Optical and Electronic NOx Sensors for Applications in Mechatronics. Sensors 2009, 9, 3337-3356. https://doi.org/10.3390/s90503337
Di Franco C, Elia A, Spagnolo V, Scamarcio G, Lugarà PM, Ieva E, Cioffi N, Torsi L, Bruno G, Losurdo M, et al. Optical and Electronic NOx Sensors for Applications in Mechatronics. Sensors. 2009; 9(5):3337-3356. https://doi.org/10.3390/s90503337
Chicago/Turabian StyleDi Franco, Cinzia, Angela Elia, Vincenzo Spagnolo, Gaetano Scamarcio, Pietro Mario Lugarà, Eliana Ieva, Nicola Cioffi, Luisa Torsi, Giovanni Bruno, Maria Losurdo, and et al. 2009. "Optical and Electronic NOx Sensors for Applications in Mechatronics" Sensors 9, no. 5: 3337-3356. https://doi.org/10.3390/s90503337
APA StyleDi Franco, C., Elia, A., Spagnolo, V., Scamarcio, G., Lugarà, P. M., Ieva, E., Cioffi, N., Torsi, L., Bruno, G., Losurdo, M., Garcia, M. A., Wolter, S. D., Brown, A., & Ricco, M. (2009). Optical and Electronic NOx Sensors for Applications in Mechatronics. Sensors, 9(5), 3337-3356. https://doi.org/10.3390/s90503337