Simulation of EO-1 Hyperion Data from ALI Multispectral Data Based on the Spectral Reconstruction Approach
<p>Visual comparison of simulated Hyperion data and original Hyperion data: (a) and (b) are band 13 of original Hyperion data and simulation Hyperion data, respectively; (c) and (d) are band 19; (e) and (f) are band 94; (g) and (h) are band 148. There are no significant difference between simulated and original data of band 13, 94 and 148 by visual interpretation while band 19 shows some obvious differences.</p> ">
<p>Visual comparison of the magnification of a detailed region circled by the white rectangle in <a href="#f1-sensors-09-03090" class="html-fig">Figure 1</a>. (e)–(h): (a) and (b) are band 94 of original Hyperion data and simulated Hyperion data; (c) and (d) are band 148. The texture of the pond, the pattern of vegetation distribution on the left part of this region, several little bright objects on the lower right part, the border between pond and land keep consistent and look same between original data and simulated data. Original data is a bit vaguer because of the resampling method in geometrical correction.</p> ">
<p>Mean and standard deviation of 106 bands of original and simulated data: (a) shows the mean and standard deviation of original bands, and (b) shows the mean and standard deviation of simulated bands (for convenience in plotting, we used the sequence numbers 1–106 to refer to bands. The corresponding bands are listed in <a href="#t1-sensors-09-03090" class="html-table">Table 1</a>).</p> ">
<p>Correlation coefficients between simulated and original Hyperion data of 106 bands.</p> ">
<p>Linear regression analysis of simulated and original data. Charts from (a) to (h) are for bands 13, 19, 36, 52, 94, 113, 148, and 208, respectively.</p> ">
<p>Linear regression analysis of simulated and original data. Charts from (a) to (h) are for bands 13, 19, 36, 52, 94, 113, 148, and 208, respectively.</p> ">
<p>Cosine values of vector angles between simulated and original data of each pixel.</p> ">
<p>Classification results of original Hyperion data, simulated Hyperion data, and ALI data: (a) shows the classification image of original Hyperion data, (b) shows the classification image of simulated Hyperion data, and (c) shows the classification image of ALI data. (Class label “pond” refers to water, which has characteristics of pond water; label “plant 1” refers to sparse plant area; and Label “plant 2” refers to dense plant area).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Spectral Reconstruction Approach
2.1. Review of the Universal Pattern Decomposition Method (UPDM)
2.2. A Modification of UPDM
3. Study Area and Data
3.1. Study Area
3.2. Remote Sensing Data
4. Data Preparation and Spectral Reconstruction
4.1. Preprocessing of Remote Sensing Data
4.2. Obtaining Standard Pattern Matrix
4.3. Simulating Hyperion Data Based on UPDM from ALI Data
5. Results and Discussion
5.1. Comparing Simulated Hyperion Data and Real Hyperion Data by Visual Interpretation
5.2. Comparing Simulated and Real Hyperion Data by Statistical Analysis
5.3. Comparing Simulated Hyperion Data and Real Hyperion Data by Classification Application
6. Summary and Conclusions
References and Notes
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Sequence NO. | Bands | Wavelengths (nm) |
1–46 | 8–53 | 427–885 |
47–54 | 87–94 | 1,013–1,084 |
55–61 | 107–113 | 1,215–1,276 |
62–81 | 139–158 | 1,538–1,730 |
82–106 | 195–219 | 2,103–2,345 |
Simulated Hyperion | ALI | |||
Class | Product Accuracy (pixels) | User Accuracy (pixels) | Product Accuracy (pixels) | User Accuracy (pixels) |
River | 4,957/5,092 | 4,957/5,156 | 4,965/5,092 | 4,965/5,195 |
Pond | 2,838/3,473 | 2,838/3,479 | 2,883/3,473 | 2,883/3,584 |
Plant1 | 24,713/28,839 | 24,713/27,835 | 23,896/28,839 | 23,896/26,669 |
Plant2 | 21,448/23,997 | 21,448/24,366 | 21,769/23,997 | 21,769/25,681 |
Bare Land | 2,076/2,599 | 2,076/3,164 | 2,042/2,599 | 2,042/2,871 |
Kappa | 0.808 | 0.797 | ||
Overall | 87.6% | 86.8% |
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Share and Cite
Liu, B.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, B.; Tong, Q. Simulation of EO-1 Hyperion Data from ALI Multispectral Data Based on the Spectral Reconstruction Approach. Sensors 2009, 9, 3090-3108.
Liu B, Zhang L, Zhang X, Zhang B, Tong Q. Simulation of EO-1 Hyperion Data from ALI Multispectral Data Based on the Spectral Reconstruction Approach. Sensors. 2009; 9(4):3090-3108.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLiu, Bo, Lifu Zhang, Xia Zhang, Bing Zhang, and Qingxi Tong. 2009. "Simulation of EO-1 Hyperion Data from ALI Multispectral Data Based on the Spectral Reconstruction Approach" Sensors 9, no. 4: 3090-3108.
APA StyleLiu, B., Zhang, L., Zhang, X., Zhang, B., & Tong, Q. (2009). Simulation of EO-1 Hyperion Data from ALI Multispectral Data Based on the Spectral Reconstruction Approach. Sensors, 9(4), 3090-3108.