HomeMonitor: An Enhanced Device Event Detection Method for Smart Home Environment
<p>Smart home privacy threats.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Wemo-plug on-signature.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Signature detection process in PINGPONG.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Signature detection process in PINBALL.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Signature detection process in DESEND+.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>HomeMonitor architecture.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Packet capture framework.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>DESEND+ in a real environment with the topology.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Device matching experiment.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Event detection experiment.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Max_time parameter experiment.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Fix parameter experiment.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Time consumption comparison.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Lenovo R1 View the video unsuccessful.</p> "> Figure 15
<p>Device event detection.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- We designed a flow monitoring system called HomeMonitor to achieve the entire process of device event monitoring. For smart home devices based on OpenWRT and DESEND+ to verify the effectiveness of our proposed method. Our system HomeMonitor is designed and implemented based on real IoT situations, which are valuable in practical applications.
- We presented DESEND+, an enhanced event signature extraction, and detection method. The detection speed is faster than PINBALL [33]. At the same time, it has a wider range of applications than PINGPONG [32] which means it can be applied to both TCP and UDP protocols. Furthermore, we added a device event control function to intercept device events by intercepting critical packets. Machine learning methods based on data flow features for this function are difficult to implement, while statistical methods based on packet features do not focus on this.
2. Background and Motivation
2.1. Threat to Smart Home
2.2. Problem Analysis
2.3. Our Idea
- We use device event signature as the basic method of device event detection.
- Only the size of the packets is collected as a signature element feature, and there is no order between the signature elements, which makes the device event signature robust.
- We use a transport protocol-independent mechanism to handle re-transmitted packets.
- In the detection phase, we use packet matching to complete event detection. The detection calculation consumption is independent of the duration of the data flow, so it has a low calculation consumption.
- We control the critical packets to achieve the control function for device events.
3. HomeMonitor
3.1. Overview of HomeMonitor
3.1.1. Event Signature Extraction and Training Module
3.1.2. Event Signature Detection and Matching Module
3.1.3. Event Control Module
3.2. Event Signature Extraction and Training Module
3.2.1. Packet Capture Framework
3.2.2. Signature Extraction and Training
Algorithm 1. Event signature extraction |
INPUT: = { , ,…, } Timestamp file: T = { , ,…, } event_trigger_time # Number of events triggered when collecting data OUTPUT: Event signature 1. get counter_list # counter_list save the pkg len in [Ti,Ti + 10s] 2. # example: counter_list = [[T1][P1.len,PK.len],[T2][][],...] 3. get pkg_occurance_num # pkg_occurance_num saves the number of trigger intervals with B 4. # pkg_occurance_num = [[len:P1.len][num:10],...] 5. for each pkg_num in pkg_occurance_num 6. if pkg.num == event_trigger_time 7. event_signature.key.append(pkg.len) 8. if pkg.num >= event_trigger_time-5 9. event_signature.high.append(pkg.len) 10. endfor 11. for each interval in interval list 12. temp_min = Number of occurrences of elements in set event_signature in interval 13. if temp_min < min 14. event_signature.min = temp 15. endfor 16. for each interval in interval list 17. temp_max_time = The maximum time between two packets in a signature in interval 18. if temp_max_time > max_time 19. event_signature.max_time = max_time 20. endfor |
3.3. Event Signature Detection and Matching Module
3.3.1. Policy Table
3.3.2. Detection
Algorithm 2. Detection and matching |
INPUT: = { , ,…, } policy table: F = { , ,…, } OUTPUT: Event_Match 1. for each in do 2. for each in F 3. if .ip == .ip do 4. if L() in .key and L() not in .keylist do 5. .keylist.append(L()) 6. .lastpkt_time = T() 7. endif 8. if L() in .high and L() not in .highlist do 9. .highlist.append(L()) 10. lastpkt = T() 11. endif 12. endif 13. endfor 14. for each in F 15. if L(.keylist) >= L(.key)–fix and L(.highlist) >= L(.key)–high fix do 16. Event_Match [.name].append(.lastpkt_time) 17. clearall F.keylist, F.highlist, F.lastpkt_time 18. break 19. endif 20. endfor 21. for each in F 22. if T()–.lastpkt_time < .max_time 23. clear 24. clear .keylist, .highlist, .lastpkt_time 25. endif 26. endfor |
3.4. Event Control Module
3.4.1. Monitoring Rule
3.4.2. Action Control
4. Evaluation and Implementation
4.1. The Implementation of HomeMonitor
4.1.1. Experimental Environment
4.1.2. Device Event Signature Extraction
4.1.3. Device Event Detection
4.2. The Evaluation of Detection
4.2.1. Evaluation Metrics
4.2.2. Simulation Settings
4.2.3. Accuracy
4.2.4. Time Consumption
4.3. The Experiment of Device Event Control
4.3.1. Device Event Control Experiment
4.3.2. Event Detection Report
5. Related Work
5.1. Device Event Detection
5.2. Device Traffic Monitoring
6. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Packet Size Contained in the Signature | |
DESEND+ | key: (46,58,71,198,227,309,520,1049) high: (627,1311,1454) |
PINGPONG | 198, 227 |
Work | Feature | Protocol | Fast Detection | Events Control |
HomeSnitch | complex | TCP | Yes | No |
PINGPONG | simple, | TCP | Yes | No |
PINBALL | simple | TCP, UDP | No | No |
DESEND+ | simple | TCP, UDP | Yes | Yes |
Component | Description |
name | device event name |
key | key-packet set |
high | high-frequency-packet set |
min | minimum number of occurrences in the set of high-frequency-packet set |
max_time | maximum interval between two adjacent matching packets |
fix | key-packet-set matching number adjustment value |
high fix | High-frequency-packet set matching number adjustment value |
Keyword | Description |
manufacturer | device manufacturer |
name | device name |
version | File Version |
event num | Number of device events |
event list | Device event signature list |
Device (Mac/IP) | Event | Signature | Action | ||
Key | High | … | |||
(allure-speaker) | android_wan audio_ON | 83, 74, 338, 60, 267 | 343, 54 | … | deny |
android_wan audio_OFF | 83, 74, 338, 267, 60 | - | … | ask | |
(roku-tv) | android_lan remote | 60, 97, 66, 74, 1514 | 80, 75, 378, 373, 192, 117, 519, 1396, 607, 208, 244, 214 | … | permit |
android_wan remote | 74, 66 | 97, 1514, (85, 86) | … | deny | |
(lightify-hub) | android_lan_ ON | 260, 196, 235, 108 | 93 | … | permit |
android_lan_ OFF | 260, 196, 235 | 93, 108 | … | permit |
Keyword | Description | |
match field | rule_id | Rule id |
Mac/IP | Device Mac/IP address | |
device_event | ||
start_time | Effective start time | |
end_time | Effective end time | |
action field | control action | Log/Drop |
CPU | i5-8400 |
ram | 8 GB |
OpenWRT | 19.07 |
dnsmasq | 2.8.5 |
hostapd | v2.10-devel |
Device | Event | Signature | Protocol |
Lenovo-R1 camera | watch video | 52, 60, 104, 106, 125, 184, 234, 1488 | TCP |
Xiaomi smart camera 2K | watch video | 38, 40, 56, 60, 64, 96, 1060 | UDP |
EZVIZ-C2C camera | watch video | 52, 60, 72, 120, 1440 | TCP |
Device | Event | Key | High | Min | Max Time |
allure-speaker | android_wan audio_ON | 83, 74, 338, 60, 267 | 343, 54 | 1 | 41.26 |
android_wan audio_OFF | 83, 74, 338, 267, 60 | - | 2 | 43.24 | |
roku-tv | android_lan remote | 60, 97, 66, 74, 1514 | 80, 75, 378, 373, 192, 117, 519, 1396, 607, 208, 244, 214 | 12 | 18.19 |
android_wan remote | 74, 66 | 97, 1514, (85, 86) | 3 | 30.53 | |
lightify-hub | android_lan_ ON | 260, 196, 235, 108 | 93 | 1 | 13.58 |
android_lan_ OFF | 260, 196, 235 | 93, 108 | 1 | 13.38 |
Device Event | Fix (ON) | High Fix (ON) | Fix (OFF) | High Fix (OFF) |
TP-LINK bulb | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
ecobee-thermostat-havc | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
ecobee-thermostat-fan | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
blossom-sprinkler-quickrun | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 |
blossom-sprinkler-mode | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
alro-camera | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
roomba-vacuum-robot | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Value | |
key | (246, 259, 430, 475) |
high | () |
min | 0 |
max_time | 0.56366491317749023 |
fix | 0 |
high fix | 0 |
Match Rate | False Positive Rate | Detection Time (s) | UDP Support | |
PINBALL | 98.4% | 0.08% | 76.418 | yes |
DESEND+ | 98.8% | 1.8% | 9.926 | yes |
Device Event | Intercepted Packets | Result |
Lenovo R1-View the video | 125, 184, 234, 1488 | unable to view video |
Fluorite C2C-View the Video | 1440, 120, 72, 52(0), 60 | unable to view video |
Fluorite C2C-View the Video | 52(1) | able to view video |
Xiaomi smart camera 2K-View the Video | 96, 1060 | unable to view video |
Xiaomi smart camera 2K-View the Video | 38, 40, 56, 60, 64 | able to view video |
Method | Accuracy | Demand | Feature | |
Machine learning classification | Supervised Learning | High | Precise traffic classification | High accuracy |
Unsupervised Learning | Middle | Unknown traffic classification Traffic law extraction Feature validity evaluation | Identify unknown traffic | |
Deep Learning | High | Precise traffic classification Automatic feature extraction | High accuracy, Unsupervised | |
Statistical classification | High | Precise traffic classification | Well-designed methods could realize real-time classification | Statistical classification |
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Share and Cite
Zhao, M.; Chen, J.; Yang, Z.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, S. HomeMonitor: An Enhanced Device Event Detection Method for Smart Home Environment. Sensors 2022, 22, 9389. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22239389
Zhao M, Chen J, Yang Z, Liu Y, Zhang S. HomeMonitor: An Enhanced Device Event Detection Method for Smart Home Environment. Sensors. 2022; 22(23):9389. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22239389
Chicago/Turabian StyleZhao, Meng, Jie Chen, Zhikai Yang, Yaping Liu, and Shuo Zhang. 2022. "HomeMonitor: An Enhanced Device Event Detection Method for Smart Home Environment" Sensors 22, no. 23: 9389. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22239389
APA StyleZhao, M., Chen, J., Yang, Z., Liu, Y., & Zhang, S. (2022). HomeMonitor: An Enhanced Device Event Detection Method for Smart Home Environment. Sensors, 22(23), 9389. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22239389