On the Use of Large Interactive Displays to Support Collaborative Engagement and Visual Exploratory Tasks
<p>An overview with the main components of this research.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>A screenshot of the interface of the 3D solids visualization tool used in this research.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Screenshots of interactive morphing of the shapes: A user uses the handler on the Cube and moves it around until reaching the desired object of exploration. Releasing the handle signals the end of the process.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Screenshots of morphing the shapes: A user touches the interactive node in the map and moves it around until reaching the desired object of exploration, which ends when the user releases the node.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>(<b>a</b>) Rhombi-truncated cuboctahedron obtained by truncating all the vertices and edges of a cube; (<b>b</b>) Solid transition cube-map indicating the current state of the transformed solid.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Screenshots of synchronization function: (<b>a</b>) One user manipulates the cube to get an octahedron shape; and (<b>b</b>) when it reaches the desired object, the same resulting object is displayed in the other solids (i.e., the octahedron) as the visual elements are dynamically linked (in our case implemented as synchronization).</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Two different modes of interaction: (<b>a</b>) Interaction in the Shared mode (changes in one display are also shown in the other); (<b>b</b>) Interaction in the Non-Shared mode (the two displays are disjoint, so changes in one display are not reflected in the other).</p> "> Figure 8
<p>The three kinds of comparisons based on the number of workspaces and displays, and position arrangements: (<b>a</b>) One workspace and (<b>b</b>) Two workspaces in one display (see Red box); (<b>b</b>) One display and (<b>c</b>) Two displays (see Green box); and (<b>c</b>) Side-by-Side (S-S), (<b>d</b>) Face-to-Face (F-F), (<b>e</b>) Corner-to-Corner (C-C) and (<b>f</b>) Back to Back (B-B) (see Yellow box).</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Two sample questions used in the pre- and post-test.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Two sample collaborative tasks used in the study.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Plots of score improvement between pre- and post-experiment tests (<b>a</b>); time spent on collaborative tasks (<b>b</b>); score on experiment tasks (<b>c</b>); S-S: Side-by-Side, F-F: Face-to-Face, C-C: Corner-to-Corner, B-B: Back-to-Back.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Plots of mean ratings of engagement level for workspace (<b>a</b>), display (<b>b</b>), position (<b>c</b>); C-C: Corner-to-Corner, F-F: Face-to-Face, S-S: Side-by-Side, B-B: Back-to-Back.</p> "> Figure A1
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
2.1. Collaborative Learning with Large Displays
2.2. Workspace/Display Arrangement and Collaborative Coupling
2.3. Shared vs. Non-Shared View and Control
3. Solid Visualization Tool
3.1. Visualization Tool Overview
3.2. Interactive Morphing of the Solids
3.3. Dynamic-Linking of Multiple Visualizations
3.4. Shared and Non-Shared Control and View across Multiple Displays
4. User Study
4.1. Experimental Design
4.2. Hypotheses
4.3. Participants
4.4. Apparatus
4.5. Tasks and Procedure
4.5.1. Pre- and Post-Experiment Test
4.5.2. Collaborative Tasks
4.5.3. Procedure
4.6. Data Analysis
5. Results
5.1. Pre- and Post-Experiment Test
5.2. Completion Time and Scores on Collaborative Tasks
5.3. Perceived Engagement Levels during Collaboration
5.4. Participants’ Preference on Shared and Non-Shared View/Interaction
5.5. Subjective Feedback
6. Discussion
6.1. Workspace(s)
6.2. Display(s)
6.3. Position Arrangement(s)
6.4. Collaborative Modes and Behaviors
6.5. Recommendations
- When considering the number of workspaces to provide to users, if the goal is to improve learning efficiency and engagement level in collaborative tasks, sharing one workspace could be chosen to support such learning tasks. This could be beneficial for improving task efficiency in collaborative learning settings. However, if the goal is to support knowledge acquisition, using separate workspaces might be a better choice.
- When considering the number of displays to provide to users, allowing multiple users (e.g., as the pairs in our study) to have a shared display would lead to better learning outcomes and engagement level rather than providing multiple separate displays during collaboration.
- When considering the position arrangements to give to users, the Back-to-Back position would provide them with higher performance and engagement levels on collaborative learning tasks. Instead, the corner-to-corner position might be not beneficial in this type of scenario.
- When considering the collaborative modes (shared and non-shared interactions), it is useful to provide a function for allowing users to freely choose whether to share or not to share the view/control of their workspace during the collaboration process. Regardless of their position arrangements, it helps to enhance users’ engagement level and the exploration process considering visual information.
7. Limitations and Future Work
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
CSCL | Computer-supported collaborative learning |
VR | Virtual Reality |
AR | Augmented Reality |
STM | Solid transition maps |
S-S | Side-by-Side |
F-F | Face-to-Face |
C-C | Corner-to-Corner |
B-B | Back-to-Back |
M | mean |
SD | standard deviation |
SE | standard error |
ANOVA | analysis of variance |
Appendix A. The User Engagement Questionnaire with 23 7-Scale Likert Questions
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Display | Workspace | Position | Participants |
1 | 1 | S-S | 12 (6 pairs) |
2 | S-S | 12 (6 pairs) | |
2 | 2 | S-S | 12 (6 pairs) |
2 | F-F | 12 (6 pairs) | |
2 | C-C | 12 (6 pairs) | |
2 | B-B | 12 (6 pairs) |
Measurement | Variable | Key Results | p-Value (ANOVA) | ||
Workspace | Display | Position | |||
Performance metrics | Test improvement | – | insig. | insig. | insig. |
Time on collaborative tasks | * One single display might be useful than multiple displays for improving learning outcomes during collaboration (P = 0.047). * B-B got higher scores than C-C (P = 0.045). | insig. | 0.047 | 0.032 | |
Score on collaborative tasks | – | insig. | insig. | insig. | |
Subjective surveys | Engagement level | * B-B is better than C-C (P = 0.041). | insig. | insig. | 0.044 |
- Collaboration | * B-B is better than C-C (P = 0.012). | insig. | insig. | 0.009 | |
- Satisfaction | * One shared workspace might be more satisfactory than separate workspaces (P = 0.066). * B-B is better than C-C (P = 0.042). | 0.066 | insig. | 0.037 | |
- Exploration | * B-B is better than C-C (P = 0.025). * B-B is better than F-F (P = 0.038). | insig. | insig. | 0.016 | |
- Communication | – | insig. | insig. | insig. | |
- Comfort | – | insig. | insig. | insig. | |
- Attention | – | insig. | insig. | 0.054 | |
- Contribution | – | insig. | insig. | insig. | |
User preference | Position arrangement | * B-B (38.33%) was the most popular choice. | – | – | – |
Collaborative mode | * More participants preferred switching between the two modes (53%). * Shared mode was preferred choice (60%). | – | – | – |
Variables | Time/mins | Score/Points | |
Workspace | One | M = 21.833, SD = 4.997, SE = 2.040 | M = 9.00, SD = 2.098, SE = 0.856 |
Two | M = 24.500, SD = 7.176, SE = 2.930 | M = 9.67, SD = 1.033, SE = 0.422 | |
Display | One | M = 24.833, SD = 7.731, SE = 3.156 | M = 9.667, SD = 1.033, SE = 0.422 |
Two | M = 27.500, SD = 8.093, SE = 3.304 | M = 8.500, SD = 0.837, SE = 0.342 | |
Position | S-S | M = 24.333, SD = 3.033, SE = 1.647 | M = 8.500, SD = 0.837, SE = 0.342 |
F-F | M = 25.500, SD = 3.891, SE = 2.405 | M = 7.500, SD = 1.225, SE = 0.500 | |
C-C | M = 28.500, SD = 4.432, SE = 2.442 | M = 6.833, SD = 1.602, SE = 0.654 | |
B-B | M = 23.167, SD = 2.834, SE = 1.977 | M = 9.000, SD = 1.265, SE = 0.298 |
Condition | S Mode | NS Mode | NSS Mode | SNS Mode |
One display with one workspace (S-S) | - | - | - | - |
One display with two workspaces (S-S) | 0 | 4 | 2 | 0 |
Two displays with separate workspace (S-S) | 0 | 1 | 3 | 2 |
Two displays with separate workspace (F-F) | 2 | 0 | 1 | 3 |
Two displays with separate workspace (C-C) | 3 | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Two displays with separate workspace (B-B) | 4 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
Overall | 9 | 5 | 7 | 9 |
14 | 16 |
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Chen, L.; Liang, H.-N.; Wang, J.; Qu, Y.; Yue, Y. On the Use of Large Interactive Displays to Support Collaborative Engagement and Visual Exploratory Tasks. Sensors 2021, 21, 8403. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21248403
Chen L, Liang H-N, Wang J, Qu Y, Yue Y. On the Use of Large Interactive Displays to Support Collaborative Engagement and Visual Exploratory Tasks. Sensors. 2021; 21(24):8403. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21248403
Chicago/Turabian StyleChen, Lei, Hai-Ning Liang, Jialin Wang, Yuanying Qu, and Yong Yue. 2021. "On the Use of Large Interactive Displays to Support Collaborative Engagement and Visual Exploratory Tasks" Sensors 21, no. 24: 8403. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21248403
APA StyleChen, L., Liang, H.-N., Wang, J., Qu, Y., & Yue, Y. (2021). On the Use of Large Interactive Displays to Support Collaborative Engagement and Visual Exploratory Tasks. Sensors, 21(24), 8403. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21248403