A CAN-Bus Lightweight Authentication Scheme
<p>Automotive architecture systems of modern cars.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>CAN bus frame format.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>CAN bus process for transmitting frames.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>CAN bus frame with the MAC field.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>MAC generation.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Logging <span class="html-italic">drift</span> into the storage tables.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Updating the <span class="html-italic">drift</span> in the storage tables.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Framework of an in-vehicle network.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Modified in-vehicle system.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Factory setting keys.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Initial group key configuration by GW and ECUs.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>ECUs transmitting frames within the CAN.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>ECU frame transmission outside the CAN.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Updating session keys in each interval.</p> "> Figure 15
<p>Adding a device to the CAN bus.</p> "> Figure 16
<p>Removing a device from the CAN bus.</p> "> Figure 17
<p>The experimental framework.</p> "> Figure 18
<p>The add-on security module.</p> "> Figure 19
<p>The LabVIEW codes executed on the NI PXIe-1071.</p> "> Figure 20
<p>The NI-XNET Bus monitor.</p> "> Figure 21
<p>Th structure of the CAN-FD frame [<a href="#B49-sensors-21-07069" class="html-bibr">49</a>].</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- Denial-of-service attacks: An attacker can use the CAN bus arbitration mechanism to inject numerous highest priority message frame IDs, inhibiting the transmission of messages from other ECUs. The attacker can also use error frames to force certain ECUs to become bus-off [14], paralyzing their service. For specific systems (e.g., tire-pressure monitoring systems), their sensors can be connected into an ad-hoc network to initiate wormholes or blackholes to suspend their services [15,16]. In addition, attacks can install malware to paralyze services [17].
- Message tampering: This involves taking control of ECUs by using disguised IDs or fake frames or by conducting replay attacks by replaying a prerecorded frame. Replay attacks cause the receiver to receive an incorrect frame. Because of the plaintext transmissions of park assist systems, the speed and angle of entry can be easily parsed, and consequently, attackers can cause collisions during assisted parking by sending out frames with erroneous speed or angles or by replaying erroneous frames [11]. Our main focus is on message tampering.
- OBD-II was originally intended to enable vehicle maintenance personnel to diagnose the vehicle’s state. Through the OBD interface, maintenance personnel can use the CAN bus to read the status information of every ECU in the vehicle and diagnose any malfunctioning parts. Before the prevalence of OBD-II and the existence of Bluetooth and smart phones, drivers could not conveniently connect devices to the OBD-II. Manufacturers have since added Bluetooth pairing, enabling drivers to see the status of the car’s CAN on their phone. However, this Bluetooth portal has led to an increase in attacks. The OBD interface was not designed with access control mechanisms, and consequently, anyone can obtain information about the vehicle through the OBD-II and even control the ECUs of the attacked vehicle [11,18,19,20]. For example, Miller et al. [11] injected false frames into a CAN bus by using the OBD interface, enabling them to shut down the engine, activate the accelerator, and even control the vehicle’s speed and direction while the vehicle was moving.
- Entertainment systems: In-vehicle entertainment systems are combinations of hardware and software that provide music or video entertainment in a vehicle. In-vehicle entertainment began with sound systems consisting of a radio and a cassette or CD player; these systems now include navigation systems and video players as well as USB, Bluetooth, and WiFi connectivity. In addition to installing malware on CDs, a smart phone, or other removable devices, attacks can install malicious code by using Bluetooth or telephone networks, and even a CAN signal can be used to gain complete control of an ECU [13]. Victims typically do not notice attacks being conducted through Bluetooth or telephone networks, and these types of attacks can spread quickly and be conducted over the internet, producing considerably substantial effects, impacts, and threats. Table 2 presents the routing methods of CAN bus data packets and ECU updating methods used to gain complete control of a vehicle.
2. Related Works
3. Method and Design
3.1. Message Authentication Code (MAC)
3.1.1. Counter-Based MAC
3.1.2. Time-Based MAC
3.1.3. Time Intervals
- In situations when the frame’s own transmission time—that is, , which exceeds a time interval, causing the time difference between the transmitter and the receiver to exceed a time interval, the time counters become desynchronized and fail authentication;
- Each ECU in the CAN may have errors in their time unit. When the vehicle is set, the time error of each ECU gradually increases until finally the time counters become desynchronized and fail authentication. Solutions to these two problems are described subsequently.
3.1.4. Time Counter Synchronization and Offset
3.2. Key Distribution
- (A)
- System initialization. Before the vehicle leaves the factory, the gateway is set to share a key with individual ECUs in the subnet. This key is only used when adding or removing devices. The gateway shares the same group key with all the ECUs in the subnet, and this group key is used to generate session keys.
- (B)
- System reset. When the system is reset, the gateway resets a frame to the ECU group. After receiving this frame, each ECU resets their time counter to zero, and the time counter begins increasing after each time interval. This frame is not attached to a MAC because all the ECUs only receive this frame at the system reset, and not afterwards. Unless the system is reset, even if an attacker sends a reset frame again, the remaining ECUs ignore it.
- (C)
- Initial distribution of keys. After the gateway resets the time counters to zero, it generates a seed used to create group keys. The gateway then uses this seed to create a MAC for the group key shared with every ECU in advance and then broadcasts the MAC to each ECU.
- (D)
- Key updates. Occasionally, the gateway generates the seed for the next group key and then uses the previous group key to create a MAC. This frame is sent to each ECU in the form of a broadcast.
- (E)
- Adding an ECU device. When a new ECU is added, the group key is not resent. However, the new device does not have the previous group key; therefore, the gateway first sends a new encrypted group key to the new device and then sends an encrypted time counter. Subsequently, the gateway updates the key for the remaining ECUs with a new seed. Therefore, the new device can send frames to the other ECUs. The group key that was stored in advance is then changed to the current group key, enabling the new device to update its key.
- (F)
- Removing an ECU device. When an ECU is being removed, because the ECU has the previous group keys, the gateway was allowed to use the key that was shared with every ECU in advance to send a new encrypted group key. The removed ECU cannot decrypt the new group key, even with the old group key. At this time, the prestored group key is changed to the current group key, and the removed device is therefore unable to update its key.
4. System and Protocol
4.1. System Framework: CAN Bus Partitions
4.2. Notations
4.3. System Initialization
4.4. System Reset
4.5. First Distribution of Keys
Algorithm 1: GW_Startup-Initial distribution of keys: GW broadcast of the group key. |
Input: , Output: Packet, seed = random64() ; = ; Packet.data = ; Packet.CRC = ; |
Algorithm 2: ECU_Startup-Initial distribution of keys: ECUs receive the group key. |
Input: , , Packet Output: ; |
4.6. Message Transmission
Algorithm 3: Message_Transmission |
Input: M, , Output: Packet Packet.data = M ; Packet.CRC = ; |
Algorithm 4: ECU_Forwarding: ECU transmissions between subnets. |
Input: M, , Output: ; ; |
Algorithm 5: : GW transmissions between subnets. |
Input: , , Gsk, Output: MAC = ; |
Algorithm 6: : GW transmissions between subnets. |
Input: , Gsk, , Output: Packet3 MAC = ; |
4.7. Key Updates
Algorithm 7: : Key updates: GWs. |
Input: , Output: Packet, seed = random64() ; = KDF(, seed) ; Packet.data = Encrypt(, ) ; Packet.CRC = ; |
Algorithm 8: : Key updates: ECU. |
Input: , , Packet Output: MAC = ; |
4.8. Adding a Device
Algorithm 9: : the new device sends a join request. |
Input: , Output: n = random32(); ; ; ; |
Algorithm 10: : the GW responds to the join request. |
Input: , , , Output: , , MAC = ; |
Algorithm 11: : The new device obtains the group key and time counter. |
Input: , , , n Output: , , MAC1 = ; |
Algorithm 12: : The ECUs update their group key. |
Input: ,, Output: , , MAC = ; |
4.9. Removing a Device
Algorithm 13: : The GW sends out the group key individually. |
Input: , , Output: Packet , seed = random64(); ; ; Packet.data = ; Packet.CRC = ; ; |
Algorithm 14: : ECUs receive the group key individually when a device is removed. |
Input: Packet,, Output: , MAC = ; |
5. Security Analysis
- (A)
- Spoofing attacks: in a typical environment, the frame itself only has CRC protection. Attackers spoof frames on the CAN by using the incorrect data field and deriving the CRC; these spoofed frames can be successfully accepted by an ECU. By adding a MAC to verify the source, attackers must spoof both the frame and the MAC for their spoofed frame to be accepted. Furthermore, attacks must have both the current group key and the current counter to generate the correct MAC. The process for sending keys only involves sending the seed to make the key, and attackers cannot obtain the formula for generating keys; therefore, attacks cannot gain access to the current key. Our MAC only has 15 bits, and attackers attempting to forcibly decrypt the MAC must run through 215 possibilities. Even if the attacker attempts every possibility, they are limited by the slow speed of the CAN bus itself; that is, before running through all the possibilities, the next frame will have reached the target end. This is how our method effectively defends against spoofing attacks.
- (B)
- Replay attacks: Because the frame itself does not have an authentication mechanism, ECUs accept any recorded frame. In our protocol, each message being transmitted creates a MAC on the basis of the current time counter, and different time counters result in different MACs. As such, if an attacker records a previous frame and transmits it, it is not accepted by the ECU. The time counter is involved in both the initial and subsequent transmission of keys to increase the freshness of the MACs. If an attack records a previous frame, because of the different time counter, the prerecorded frame is not successfully verified. In this protocol, the only frame without a time counter or MAC is the reset frame sent out in the beginning; however, this frame is received only once by all the ECUs at the reset and is not accepted or executed again. Consequently, replaying the reset frame does not have any effects. Replay attacks are possible between custom time intervals , and therefore, must be designed in consideration of the CAN speed to impede attacks from launching replay attacks between the time intervals.
- (C)
- Desynchronization: we were concerned about the problem of desynchronization between ECUs in other protocols, whether through desynchronized counters or desynchronized keys. Desynchronized counters directly lead to authentication failures. In the CAN bus, receivers often miss frames, especially in situations with an arbitration mechanism. Essentially, multiple methods involve resetting counters while synchronizing keys to ensure that the time counters synchronize after each interval. However, missed frames still occur, and one missed frame can cause the counter to desynchronize, leading to continued verification failures. Therefore, we chose to use time counters, enabling the counter to always be synchronized. Even if each ECU had a slightly different reset time, resulting in some differences in the time counters, when the receivers fail to authenticate a frame by using its current time counter to calculate the MAC, the ECU attempts to add to or subtract from the time counter to authenticate packets lost because of discrepancies in the time counters. This method does not lead to desynchronized time counters because of missed packets. The PreAuthCode method by which individual keys update their own keys was also considered, but it cannot fully ensure that every counter is perfectly synchronized—that is, if one counter is different from the others, it can no longer synchronize. Therefore, we decided that synchronization would be uniformly performed by the GWs sending out a new seed at fixed times. These two mechanisms in operation ensure that authentications are performed normally even if the counters are slightly desynchronized and that the keys are always synchronized.
6. Experimental Result
7. Implementation in the CAN-FD Environment
Algorithm 15: CAN-FD_Message_Transmission. |
Input: M, , Output: Packet Packet.data = M ; |
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Error Type | Description |
bit error | The transmitted data is inconsistent with what is presented in the bus; therefore, an error frame is sent out. |
stuff error | When six consecutive identical bits are detected, an error frame is sent out. |
CRC error | An error frame is sent out in response to a CRC error. |
form error | If the delimiter bit is 0, an error frame is sent out, starting with the next bit. |
acknowledgment error | The transmitter sends out an error frame if a response is not received after the ACK field. |
Channel of Infiltration | Method of Implementation | Scope |
OBD-II interface | Connects to the attack device directly through the OBD-II interface | Small |
CD player | Installs malware through updates | Small |
PassThru automotive reprogramming device | Connects to a reprogramming device through WiFi and installs malware | Large |
Bluetooth | Installs malware through overflow attacks | Large |
Bluetooth | Eavesdrops on the message authentication code (MAC) address and forcibly decrypts the PIN | Small |
Telephone network | Uses a laptop or smart phone to access the automobile and install malware through overflow attacks | Large |
Symbol | Description |
The ith group under CAN bus. | |
The gateway that manages the bus. | |
The main gateway that manages all gateways. | |
The jth ECU in the bus. | |
The pre-shared key between and . | |
The sent frame. | |
The pre-shared keys for all ECUs and the in the bus. | |
The key shared by and . | |
The session key used by the ECUs in bus. | |
The session key used in the GW group. |
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Luo, J.-N.; Wu, C.-M.; Yang, M.-H. A CAN-Bus Lightweight Authentication Scheme. Sensors 2021, 21, 7069. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21217069
Luo J-N, Wu C-M, Yang M-H. A CAN-Bus Lightweight Authentication Scheme. Sensors. 2021; 21(21):7069. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21217069
Chicago/Turabian StyleLuo, Jia-Ning, Chang-Ming Wu, and Ming-Hour Yang. 2021. "A CAN-Bus Lightweight Authentication Scheme" Sensors 21, no. 21: 7069. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21217069
APA StyleLuo, J.-N., Wu, C.-M., & Yang, M.-H. (2021). A CAN-Bus Lightweight Authentication Scheme. Sensors, 21(21), 7069. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21217069