Mask-Refined R-CNN: A Network for Refining Object Details in Instance Segmentation
<p>Mask R-CNN (mask region-convolutional neural network) baseline (top) vs. MR R-CNN (Mask-Refined R-CNN, bottom). The sample images are all screenshots of proposals. Our work can better segment large instances.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Network architecture of MR R-CNN.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>The pipeline of Mask R-CNN. ROIAlign and mask head are the key improvement points of Mask R-CNN over Faster R-CNN.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Comparison between MR R-CNN and state-of-the-art methods. (<b>a</b>) Original images, (<b>b</b>) PAN, (<b>c</b>) MS R-CNN and (<b>d</b>) MR R-CNN. Our approach performs better in most large instances.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Comparison on the Cityscapes dataset between MR R-CNN and state-of-the-art methods.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Designs for the input of the mask head and the refinement framework. Various network details are omitted for a more intuitive presentation.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Related Works
2.1. Instance Segmentation
2.2. Multi-Feature Fusion
3. Proposed Method
3.1. Motivation
3.2. Mask-Refined Region-Convolutional Neural Network (MR R-CNN)
4. Experiments and Results
4.1. Dataset and Evaluation Indices
4.2. Implementation Details
4.3. Quantitative Results
4.4. Ablation Study
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Method | Year | Introduction | Shortcoming |
FCIS | 2017 |
| Poor discrimination ability for overlapping objects. |
Mask R-CNN | 2017 |
| Weak ability to predict instance details. |
PAN | 2018 |
| High time cost. |
MS R-CNN | 2019 |
| Low accuracy for large instance. |
Method | Backbone | AP | AP50 | AP75 | APS | APM | APL |
FCIS | ResNet-101 | 29.2 | 49.5 | - | 7.1 | 31.3 | 50.0 |
FCIS+++ | ResNet-101 | 33.6 | 54.5 | - | - | - | - |
Mask R-CNN | ResNet-101-C4 | 33.1 | 54.9 | 34.8 | 12.1 | 35.6 | 51.1 |
Mask R-CNN | ResNet-101 FPN | 35.7 | 58.0 | 37.8 | 15.5 | 38.1 | 52.4 |
Mask R-CNN | ResNeXt-101 FPN | 37.1 | 60.0 | 39.4 | 16.9 | 39.9 | 53.5 |
PAN | ResNet-50 FPN | 38.2 | 60.2 | 41.4 | 19.1 | 41.1 | 52.6 |
MS R-CNN | ResNet-101 | 35.4 | 54.9 | 38.1 | 13.7 | 37.6 | 53.3 |
MS R-CNN | ResNet-101 FPN | 38.3 | 58.8 | 41.5 | 17.8 | 40.4 | 54.4 |
MS R-CNN | ResNet-101 DCN-FPN | 39.6 | 60.7 | 43.1 | 18.8 | 41.5 | 56.2 |
MR R-CNN | ResNet-50 FPN | 35.2 | 53.5 | 39.8 | 13.9 | 38.1 | 52.6 |
MR R-CNN | ResNet-101 FPN | 37.6 | 56.1 | 41.1 | 16.4 | 40.6 | 54.7 |
MR R-CNN | ResNet-101 DCN-FPN | 38.8 | 58.0 | 42.7 | 17.2 | 41.8 | 56.6 |
Method | AP | AP50 | AP75 |
Mask R-CNN ResNet-101 FPN | 34.2 | 53.6 | 36.6 |
PAN ResNet-50 FPN | 37.5 | 56.1 | 40.6 |
MS R-CNN ResNet-101 FPN | 37.8 | 56.5 | 41.0 |
MR R-CNN ResNet-101 FPN | 38.2 | 56.7 | 41.6 |
Method | Average Prediction Time |
Mask R-CNN baseline | 0.783s |
MR R-CNN | 0.828s |
Framework | AP | AP50 | AP75 |
(a) MR R-CNN (with LC) | 37.6 | 56.1 | 41.1 |
(b) MR R-CNN (without LC) | 37.3 | 55.3 | 41.0 |
(c) strd=32 + Add | 30.1 | 46.8 | 36.5 |
(d) strd=8 + Add | - | - | - |
(e) strd=16 + Concatenate | 33.4 | 53.3 | 37.2 |
(f) strd=32 + resize + Add | 15.5 | 20.8 | 22.0 |
Training Object | AP | AP50 | AP75 |
(a) Original image | 37.6 | 56.1 | 41.1 |
(b) Only one object | 37.0 | 53.6 | 42.4 |
(c) Only small object (area ≤322) | 20.5 | 34.8 | 25.3 |
(d) Only medium object (322 < area ≤ 962) | 32.2 | 51.9 | 36.1 |
(e) Only large object (area > 962) | 37.3 | 56.3 | 41.0 |
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Zhang, Y.; Chu, J.; Leng, L.; Miao, J. Mask-Refined R-CNN: A Network for Refining Object Details in Instance Segmentation. Sensors 2020, 20, 1010.
Zhang Y, Chu J, Leng L, Miao J. Mask-Refined R-CNN: A Network for Refining Object Details in Instance Segmentation. Sensors. 2020; 20(4):1010.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZhang, Yiqing, Jun Chu, Lu Leng, and Jun Miao. 2020. "Mask-Refined R-CNN: A Network for Refining Object Details in Instance Segmentation" Sensors 20, no. 4: 1010.
APA StyleZhang, Y., Chu, J., Leng, L., & Miao, J. (2020). Mask-Refined R-CNN: A Network for Refining Object Details in Instance Segmentation. Sensors, 20(4), 1010.