Field-Effect Transistor Biosensors for Biomedical Applications: Recent Advances and Future Prospects
<p>Fabrication of nanopore-extended field-effect transistor (nexFET) in dual-barrel quartz nanopipettes by depositing pyrolytic carbon in one of the barrels before electrodeposition of polypyrrole (PPy) at the carbon-coated nanopipette tip [<a href="#B65-sensors-19-04214" class="html-bibr">65</a>].</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Indium-tin oxide nanowires (ITO-NW) FETs were fabricated by (<b>A</b>) coating indium and tin film onto gold film and (<b>B</b>) defining pattern of the devices by E-beam lithography before (<b>C</b>) treating them with controlled parameters in tubular furnace to (<b>D</b>) form ITO nanowires [<a href="#B66-sensors-19-04214" class="html-bibr">66</a>]. Reprinted from Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 105, Shariati, The Field Effect Transistor DNA Biosensor Based on ITO Nanowires in Label-Free Hepatitis B Virus Detecting Compatible with CMOS Technology, 58–64, Copyright 2018, with permission from Elsevier.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Fabrication process of ZnO-FET biosensors by the nozzle-jet printing method [<a href="#B67-sensors-19-04214" class="html-bibr">67</a>]. Reprinted from Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 506, Bhat et al., Nozzle-Jet Printed Flexible Field-Effect Transistor Biosensor for High Performance Glucose Detection, 188–196, Copyright 2017, with permission from Elsevier Elsevier.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Fabrication process of ZnO-FET biosensors by the radio-frequency magnetron-sputtering method [<a href="#B69-sensors-19-04214" class="html-bibr">69</a>]. Reprinted from Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 498, Ahmad et al., ZnO Nanorods Array Based Field-Effect Transistor Biosensor for Phosphate Detection, 292–297, Copyright 2017, with permission from Elsevier.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Schematic model of the AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) with the active channel and gate electrode, which is functionalized with receptors, are passivated separately. Only these two components of this FET biosensor are exposed to the analytes [<a href="#B74-sensors-19-04214" class="html-bibr">74</a>].</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Fabrication of black phosphorus (BP)-FET biosensors with passivation of the Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> dielectric layer on the surface of exfoliated BP nanosheets to prevent them from being oxidized prior to surface modification of Au nanoparticles and probe immobilization of Anti-Immunoglobulin G (Anti-IgG) [<a href="#B81-sensors-19-04214" class="html-bibr">81</a>]. Reprinted from Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 89, Chen et al., Field-Effect Transistor Biosensors with Two-Dimensional Black Phosphorus Nanosheets, 505–510, Copyright 2017, with permission from Elsevier.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Integration of a custom-made microfilter to platinum nanoparticles (PtNPs)-decorated reduced graphene oxide (rGO) FET biosensors [<a href="#B88-sensors-19-04214" class="html-bibr">88</a>]. Reprinted from Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 91, Lei et al., Detection of Heart Failure-Related Biomarker in Whole Blood with Graphene Field Effect Transistor Biosensor, 1–7, Copyright 2017, with permission from Elsevier.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Surface modification of silicon nanowire surface with mixed-SAMs constituting of APTES and PEG-silane [<a href="#B109-sensors-19-04214" class="html-bibr">109</a>]. Reprinted with permission from Nano Letters, 15, Gao et al., General Strategy for Biodetection in High Ionic Strength Solutions Using Transistor-Based Nanoelectronic Sensors, 2143–2148. Copyright 2015 American Chemical Society.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Surface modification of the CNT network surface with mixed-SAMs constituting of PBA and mPEG-pyrene [<a href="#B107-sensors-19-04214" class="html-bibr">107</a>]. Reprinted from Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 255, Filipiak et al., Highly Sensitive, Selective and Label-Free Protein Detection in Physiological Solutions Using Carbon Nanotube Transistors with Nanobody Receptors, 1507–1516, Copyright 2018, with permission from Elsevier.</p> ">
:1. Introduction:
2. Evolution of Nanotransducers for FET-Based Sensors
3. Antibody and its Fragments as Bio-Probes for FET Immunosensors
4. Nucleic Acid Probes for FET Biosensors
5. Conclusions and Future Prospects
Conflicts of Interest
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Transducer Material | Bioprobe | Target Molecule | Analyte | LOD | Linear Range | Ref. |
Graphene foam | ATP Aptamer | ATP | 0.1 × HS | 0.5 pM | 0.5 pM–50 µM | [63] |
Reduced Graphene Oxide | Anti-E. coli | E. coli | Deionized water River water | 103 CFU/mL 104 CFU/mL | 103–105 CFU/mL | [64] |
Indium Tin Oxide Nanowire | DNA | HBV DNA | 100 mM PBS | 1 fM | 1 fM–10 µM | [66] |
Zinc Oxide Nanoribbon | GOx | Glucose | 100 mM PBS | 70 µM | 0.0–80 mM | [67] |
Zinc Oxide Nanoribbon | GOx | Glucose | 10 mM PBS | 3.8 µM | 10 µM–5 mM | [68] |
Zinc Oxide Nanoribbon | PyO | Phosphate | 0.02 M HEPES | 0.5 µM | 0.1 µM–7 mM | [69] |
Silicon Nanoribbon | Anti-CEA | CEA | 0.01 × PBS | 0.01 ng/mL | 0.01–100 ng/mL | [70] |
Silicon Nanoribbon | Anti-PSA | PSA | 100 mM PBS HS | 10 pM 100 pM | 10 pM–1 µM 100 pM–1 µM | [71] |
Silicon Nanoribbon | DNA | DNA of CorS | 0.1 × PBS | 50 pM | 50 pM–1 μM | [72] |
Aluminum Gallium Nitride | HIV-1 Aptamer Half anti-CEA CRP Aptamer CRP Aptamer Anti-NT-proBNP | HIV-1 RT CEA CRP CRP NT-proBNP | 1 × PBS 1 × PBS 1 × PBS HS HS | 1 fM–10 pM 100 fM–1 nM 1 fM–100 nM 0.34–23.2 mg/L 180.9 pg/mL– 5 ng/mL | [74] | |
Indium Tin Oxide | Anti-Cortisol | Cortisol | 1 × PBS | 1 pg/mL | 10 fg/mL–10 ng/mL | [79] |
Needle-like Carbon Nanofiber | Anti-Cortisol | Cortisol | PBS | 100 aM | 100 aM–10 nM | [80] |
Black Phosphorus | Anti-IgG | Human IgG | 0.01 × PBS | 10 ng/mL | 10–500 ng/mL | [81] |
Poly-3-hexyl-thiophene | Anti-PCT | PCT | PBS | 2.2 pM | 0.8 pM–4.7 nM | [82] |
Graphene | Human anti-EGP | EGP | 0.01 × PBS, HS, Human Plasma | 1 ng/mL | 1–444 ng/mL | [84] |
Silicon Nanowire | Anti-APOA1 | hAPOA1 | 0.01 × PBS | 1 ng/mL | 100 pg/mL–10 μg/mL | [85] |
Silicon Nanoribbon | Anti-PSA | PSA | 0.01 × PBS | 23 fg/mL | 23 fg/mL–500 ng/mL | [86] |
Reduced Graphene Oxide | Anti-BNP | BNP | 0.001 × PBS | 100 fM | 100 fM–1 nM | [88] |
Reduced Graphene Oxide | Anti-NT-proBNP | NT-proBNP | HS | 10 pg/mL | [89] | |
Graphene | Anti-p24 Anti-cTn1 Anti-CCP | p24-HIV cTn1 CCP | 50 mM PBS 50 mM PBS 50 mM PBS | 100 fg/mL 10 fg/mL 10 fg/mL | 1 fg/mL–1 μg/mL 1 fg/mL–1 μg/mL 1 fg/mL–1 μg/mL | [90] |
Silicon | Anti-AFP Anti-CYFRA 21-1 | AFP CYFRA 21-1 | HS HS | 10 ng/mL 1 ng/mL | 1–100 ng/mL 1–100 ng/mL | [91] |
Graphene | Anti-Chlorpyrifos | Chlorpyrifos | Standard PB | 1.8 fM | 1 fM–1 μM | [92] |
Pentacene | Anti-PPV | PPV | 50 mM PBS | 180 pg/mL | 5 ng/mL–50 μg/mL | [93] |
Organic | Hairpin-shaped DNA | DNA | TE 1 M NaCl | 100 pM | 100 pM–10 nM | [94] |
Graphene | Hairpin-shaped DNA | DNA | 5 × saline-sodium citrate | 5 fM | [95] | |
Molybdenum Disulfide | Phosphorodiamidate Morpholino Oligos | DNA | 0.5 × PBS 10 × diluted HS | 6 fM | 10 fM–1 nM 10 fM–1 pM | [96] |
Molybdenum Disulfide | DNA | DNA | 0.1 × PBS | 100 aM | 100 aM–1 fM | [97] |
Graphene | DNA | DNA | 10 mM PB, 150 mM NaCl, 50 mM MgCl2 | 25 aM | 1 aM–100 fM | [98] |
Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes | HIV-1 Aptamer | HIV-1 Tat | Blood sample | 600 pM | 0.2 nM–1 µM | [99] |
Nickel Oxide | DNA | HIV DNA | 0.01 M PBS | 0.3 aM | 1 aM–10 nM | [100] |
Silicon | PfGDH Aptamer | PfGDH | HS 50 mM K3PO4, 50 mM NaCl, 5 mM KCl, 2.5 mM MgCl2 | 48.6 pM 16.7 pM | 100 fM–10 nM 100 fM–10 nM | [101] |
Graphene | Insulin Aptamer | Insulin | PBS | 35 pM | 100 pM–1 µM | [102] |
Indium (III) Oxide | Dopamine Aptamer Serotonin Aptamer S1P Aptamer Glucose Aptamer Glucose Aptamer | Dopamine Serotonin Lipid S1P Glucose Glucose | 1 × PBS, 1 × aCSF 1 × PBS, 1 × aCSF 1 × HEPES 1 × Ringer buffer Whole blood diluted with 1 × Ringer buffer | 10−14–10−9 M 10−14–10−9 M 10 pM–100 nM 10 pM–10 nM 10 μM–1 mM | [103] | |
Silicon | Congo Red | Aβ fibrils | HS | 100 pM–10 μM | [104] | |
Metal Oxide | F(ab’)2 of anti-TSH | TSH | Serum | 500 fM | 500 fM–10 nM | [105] |
Graphene | F(ab’)2 of anti-TSH | TSH | Serum | 10 fM | 0.8 fM–1 nM | [106] |
Singlewall Carbon Nanotubes | Nanobody | GFP | 100 mM Tris | <1 pM–10 nM | [107] |
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Vu, C.-A.; Chen, W.-Y. Field-Effect Transistor Biosensors for Biomedical Applications: Recent Advances and Future Prospects. Sensors 2019, 19, 4214.
Vu C-A, Chen W-Y. Field-Effect Transistor Biosensors for Biomedical Applications: Recent Advances and Future Prospects. Sensors. 2019; 19(19):4214.
Chicago/Turabian StyleVu, Cao-An, and Wen-Yih Chen. 2019. "Field-Effect Transistor Biosensors for Biomedical Applications: Recent Advances and Future Prospects" Sensors 19, no. 19: 4214.
APA StyleVu, C.-A., & Chen, W.-Y. (2019). Field-Effect Transistor Biosensors for Biomedical Applications: Recent Advances and Future Prospects. Sensors, 19(19), 4214.