An Improved Multi-temporal and Multi-feature Tea Plantation Identification Method Using Sentinel-2 Imagery
<p>Study area location in Henan Province, China, and digital elevation model (DEM).</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Annual growth, picking, and pruning stages of tea in the study area delineated by the first ten (E), middle ten (M), and last ten (L) days of each month.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Effect of pruning on tea plantations in the study area: (<b>a</b>,<b>b</b>) field photos of tea plantations before and after pruning, respectively; (<b>c</b>,<b>d</b>) Sentinel-2 false colour images of tea plantations before and after pruning, respectively.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Distribution of samples in the study area: (<b>a</b>) 20,565 training sample pixels, of which 5654 are tea plantations; (<b>b</b>) 8756 validation sample pixels, of which 2449 are tea plantations.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Flowchart for the tea plantation identification method proposed in this study.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Spectral curves of the eight LULC types in the study area on (<b>a</b>) 18 April 2018, (<b>b</b>) 12 June 2018, (<b>c</b>) 15 September 2017, and (<b>d</b>) 19 December 2017.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>NDVI values for the eight LULC types on the four image dates.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Effect of decision tree number on overall classification accuracy and modeling time in the RF model used in this study.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Feature importance ranking for the optimal feature combination.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Final map of tea plantations in the study area.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Data and Preprocessing
2.2.1. Sentinel-2 Image Data
2.2.2. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Data
2.2.3. Ground Survey Data and Sample Datasets
2.3. Methods
2.3.1. Feature Analysis and Selection
2.3.2. Classification Method
2.3.3. Determination of Random Forest Parameter
2.3.4. Accuracy Analysis of Multi-temporal and Multi-feature Tea Plantation Identification Method
2.3.5. Optimum Recognition Features for Tea Plantations
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Classification Results and Accuracy Assessment
3.2. Comparison and Analysis Classification Method Accuracy
4. Conclusions
- (1)
- The combination of multi-temporal and multi-feature classification methods improved the overall accuracy and tea plantation classification producer’s and user’s accuracies compared with using single-temporal spectral features.
- (2)
- Selecting features using RF importance classification reduced the dimension of input features and the computational complexity, resulting in improved classification efficiency and accuracy. 28 features with average importance >0.80 were selected as optimal features, resulting in an overall classification accuracy of 97.92%, and the producer’s and user’s accuracy for tea plantations of 96.57% and 96.02%, respectively. The classification accuracy was similar to that achieved using 325 initial features before feature selection.
- (3)
- Comparing the classification accuracy of the RF and SVM methods for tea plantation identification, the former’s overall accuracy was 1.49% higher and the producer’s and user’s accuracies were 4.12% and 3.57% higher, respectively.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Feature Type | Feature Phase | Feature Name | Feature Variable | Feature Number |
Spectral feature | 2018-4-18, 2018-6-12, 2017-9-15, 2017-12-19 | Reflectance | B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B8A | 32 |
First derivative spectral | Der1_B2, Der1_B3, Der1_B4, Der1_B5, Der1_B6, Der1_B7, Der1_B8, Der1_B8A | 32 | ||
Vegetation index | 2018-6-12, 2017-12-19 | NDVI | Ndvi_12-19, Ndvi_12-19- Ndvi_6-12 | 2 |
Texture feature (GLCM) | 2018-4-18, 2018-6-12, 2017-9-15, 2017-12-19 | Mean | Mea_B2, Mea_B3, Mea_B4, Mea_B5, Mea_B6, Mea_B7, Mea_B8, Mea_B8A | 32 |
Variance | Var_B2, Var_B3, Var_B4, Var_B5, Var_B6, Var_B7, Var_B8, Var_B8A | 32 | ||
Contrast | Con_B2, Con_B3, Con_B4, Con_B5, Con_B6, Con_B7, Con_B8, Con_B8A | 32 | ||
Homogeneity | Hom_B2, Hom_B3, Hom_B4, Hom_B5, Hom_B6, Hom_B7, Hom_B8, Hom_B8A | 32 | ||
Dissimilarity | Dis_B2, Dis_B3, Dis_B4, Dis_B5, Dis_B6, Dis_B7, Dis_B8, Dis_B8A | 32 | ||
Correlation | Cor_B2, Cor_B3, Cor_B4, Cor_B5, Cor_B6, Cor_B7, Cor_B8, Cor_B8A | 32 | ||
Entropy | Ent_B2, Ent_B3, Ent_B4, Ent_B5, Ent_B6, Ent_B7, Ent_B8, Ent_B8A | 32 | ||
Angular second moment | Asm_B2, Asm_B3, Asm_B4, Asm_B5, Asm_B6, Asm_B7, Asm_B8, Asm_B8A | 32 | ||
Topographic feature | - | Elevation | Ele | 1 |
Slope | Slo | 1 | ||
Aspect | Asp | 1 | ||
Sum | 325 |
Feature Model | Feature Dimension | Description |
S1 | 16 | 8-band spectral features on 2018-4-18 |
S2 | 16 | 8-band spectral features on 2018-6-12 |
S3 | 16 | 8-band spectral features on 2017-9-15 |
S4 | 16 | 8-band spectral features on 2017-12-19 |
S | 64 | 8-band spectral features of all four images |
GLCM | 256 | 8-band texture features of all four images |
S+NDVI+DEM | 69 | 8-band spectral features of all four images + Vegetation index features + Topographic features |
S+NDVI+DEM+GLCM | 325 | 8-band spectral features of all four images + Vegetation index features + Topographic features + 8-band texture features of 4 phases |
Feature Model | Monoculture Tea Plantation | Polyculture Tea Plantation | OA/% | Kappa | ||
PA /% | UA /% | PA /% | UA /% | |||
S1 | 75.46 | 71.76 | 59.11 | 61.71 | 86.28 | 0.6890 |
S2 | 87.13 | 83.92 | 69.28 | 58.83 | 89.06 | 0.7585 |
S3 | 80.92 | 83.00 | 74.77 | 63.24 | 88.88 | 0.7512 |
S4 | 85.56 | 77.71 | 73.60 | 70.63 | 89.60 | 0.7693 |
S | 93.47 | 92.71 | 81.19 | 84.45 | 95.89 | 0.9059 |
GLCM | 89.14 | 91.55 | 76.64 | 74.97 | 93.38 | 0.8485 |
S+NDVI+DEM | 93.91 | 92.92 | 82.01 | 83.08 | 96.05 | 0.9099 |
S+NDVI+DEM+GLCM | 94.85 | 93.56 | 82.24 | 85.02 | 96.33 | 0.9163 |
Mean Value of Feature Importance | Feature Dimension | Monoculture Tea Plantation | Polyculture Tea Plantation | OA/% | Kappa | ||
PA /% | UA /% | PA /% | UA /% | ||||
≥1.00 | 10 | 93.28 | 90.28 | 78.39 | 78.76 | 95.01 | 0.8870 |
≥0.90 | 17 | 94.10 | 91.46 | 80.37 | 81.71 | 95.68 | 0.9020 |
≥0.80 | 28 | 94.29 | 91.75 | 81.66 | 84.62 | 96.05 | 0.9100 |
≥0.75 | 39 | 93.28 | 91.81 | 81.19 | 82.94 | 95.91 | 0.9068 |
Classes | RF | SVM | ||
PA /% | UA /% | PA /% | UA /% | |
Tea plantation | 96.57 | 96.02 | 92.45 | 92.45 |
Others | 98.45 | 98.67 | 97.97 | 97.09 |
OA/% | 97.92 | 96.43 | ||
Kappa | 0.9485 | 0.9107 | ||
Feature dimension | 28 | 28 |
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Share and Cite
Zhu, J.; Pan, Z.; Wang, H.; Huang, P.; Sun, J.; Qin, F.; Liu, Z. An Improved Multi-temporal and Multi-feature Tea Plantation Identification Method Using Sentinel-2 Imagery. Sensors 2019, 19, 2087.
Zhu J, Pan Z, Wang H, Huang P, Sun J, Qin F, Liu Z. An Improved Multi-temporal and Multi-feature Tea Plantation Identification Method Using Sentinel-2 Imagery. Sensors. 2019; 19(9):2087.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZhu, Jun, Ziwu Pan, Hang Wang, Peijie Huang, Jiulin Sun, Fen Qin, and Zhenzhen Liu. 2019. "An Improved Multi-temporal and Multi-feature Tea Plantation Identification Method Using Sentinel-2 Imagery" Sensors 19, no. 9: 2087.
APA StyleZhu, J., Pan, Z., Wang, H., Huang, P., Sun, J., Qin, F., & Liu, Z. (2019). An Improved Multi-temporal and Multi-feature Tea Plantation Identification Method Using Sentinel-2 Imagery. Sensors, 19(9), 2087.