A Survey of Energy-Efficient Communication Protocols with QoS Guarantees in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
<p>Reliability Provision Methods in wireless multimedia sensor networks (WMSNs).</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Local Processing in WMSNs.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>In-network Processing in WMSNs.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Field of View of A Camera Sensor.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Camera Calibration in WMSNs.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Camera Sensor Collaboration Schemes in WMSNs.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Characteristics and Requirements of WMSNs Presented as Unibody.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Next Hop Selection in DGR.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>An Example of Z-MHTR.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Division of Topology in GEAM.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
2.1. Battery-Powered
2.1.1. Energy-Efficient Computation
2.1.2. Energy-Efficient Communication
2.1.3. Dynamic Power Management
2.2. Real-Time Video Data
2.2.1. Delay
2.2.2. Reliability
2.2.3. Prioritization and Differentiated Service
2.2.4. Quality of Experience
2.3. Large Volume of Multimedia Data
2.3.1. Reducing Data Redundancy
- Local Processing: Local processing refers to using onboard image analysis techniques to extract useful imagery components for the description of events of interest [59,60,61]. Depending on the intelligence of algorithms, local processing can be categorized into different levels [60], in which the required bandwidth decreases with the increase of algorithm intelligence and level of inference, as shown in Figure 2. One example is the large vehicle detection scenario described in [61]. Instead of streaming raw video data, a camera sensor in its basic setting transmits a whole frame to the sink whenever motion is detected. However when more local processing is allowed, camera sensors are able to perform background subtraction to detect the moving object. Only if the detected object is larger than a threshold then the portion of image containing the detected object will be transmitted. With more intelligence and coupling with multimedia in-network processing, camera sensor nodes can cooperate, and a portion of the image with the detected object will only be sent when two camera sensors have determined the object is of interest following their own individual criteria. Furthermore, as demonstrated by Zhai et al. [62], camera sensors can collaborate and produce a textual only description for the events. Although local processing is a promising way to reduce the amount of data to be transmitted, it is worth to note that however, accompanying local processing are that more hardware resources will also be needed.
- Multimedia In-Network Processing: Multimedia in-network processing is defined as intermediate network computing amongst local nodes to promote network scalability through energy savings [111]. Under the current literature, there exists mainly two kinds of multimedia in-network processing techniques as given in Figure 3. The first is multimedia data fusion where typically a cluster head gathers data from its cluster members (normally after a certain level of local processing has been executed) and combines them to create a summarized report on the event of interest so as to reduce data redundancy and also to improve level of inference. Due to its sensor heterogeneity, multimedia data fusion in WMSNs usually is multimodal, i.e., involving fusion of different types of data such as images, videos, and non-imagery data [63,64]. Online multi-view video summarization [65] is another in-network processing technique. For a group of camera sensors with overlapped field of views (FoVs), an online local processing algorithm is used to select the important frames at each sensor and only features of the selected frames together with their foreground mask sizes are broadcast. By comparing the received features and foreground mask sizes with its own, a sensor then decides whether its selected frames will be delivered to the sink or not. From the received frames, the sink does the analysis to obtain the event information.
- Distributed Source Coding: In typical multimedia source coding problems, all of the source information is available for compression at a centralized place. However, in WMSNs the correlated source information usually resides in multiple camera sensors [66]. Due to resource limitations, transferring all source information to a centralized location is certainly not feasible. One solution is to use distributed source coding (DSC), which allows each camera sensor to independently encode their own piece of source information while leaving the complex joint decoding work to the sink [67,68]. Compared to traditional downlink multimedia source coding technics, such as the JPEG 2000 and MPEG.x, the main advantages of DSC is the ability to shift much computation burdens from the encoder side to the decoder [34]. For WMSNs, this can significantly reduce energy consumption and also lower hardware costs [27,30].
- In-network Data Storage and Query Processing: Traditionally, WSNs would transmit all sensing results to the sink for further processing and future inquiry. However, it is shown by Y. Diao et al. [69] and H. Li et al. [70] that with recent technology advances, it is now practical to equip camera sensors with more powerful processors and significantly larger flash memories for local processing and data storage. On one hand, with data being processed and stored on site, only the end result of data analysis needs to be sent to the sink. On another, in case of historical data inquiries, the query request (e.g., the number of traffic incidents happened at an intersection during the past year) can be pushed into the network and only the query results needs to be transmitted. In both scenarios, data transmission can be reduced and energy cost is also lowered. Nevertheless, local data storage schemes do impose a couple of challenges. First, when local storage space starts to fill up, proper data aging processes are required to clear space for new data without sacrificing fidelity on critical historical data [69,71]. Second, sensor nodes in this scenario essentially form a distributed probabilistic database, thus respective database management techniques, have to be considered for efficient data querying [72,73].
2.3.2. Higher Bandwidth Requirements
2.4. Directional Sensor Coverage
2.4.1. Accurate Camera Calibration
- Intrinsic camera calibration (ICC): ICC refers to the computation of internal camera parameters for transforming imagery metrics to real world metrics, for example pixel distance to real world physical distance [79,80]. Depending on the assumptions made upon the scene structures used for calibration, ICC can be carried out either with assistance of reference targets or target-free under self-calibration [81]. Oftentimes reference targets are used when it is important to obtain high accuracy of calibration [82]. Common targets placed in the scene can be 1D objects [83], 2D objects [84], and 3D objects [81], with calibration accuracy and complexity both increase as the targets get more sophisticated. Self-calibration, on the other hand, requires no reference targets but rather relies on the static scene structure and camera motion [85]. With no assumptions made on the scene structure, however, self-calibration needs to estimate a large number of parameters and quite often the correlation between these parameters lowers accuracy of calibration [86].
- Extrinsic camera calibration (ECC): With ECC, we can calculate the external parameters of a camera sensor. Such information is used for converting imagery coordinates to real world coordinates [80,87], which is crucial in order to make the imagery data geographically meaningful. The decisions on ECC can be told apart from three criteria. First, depending on where the calibration actually takes place ECC can be carried out either in a centralized or a distributed fashion [79]. When centralized ECC is executed, imagery tracking data captured by all camera sensors are sent to the sink, with which the sink calculates the extrinsic parameters for all [88]. In distributed ECC however, each camera sensor determines its own extrinsic parameters [79,80,89]. Second, judging by whether overlapped FoVs exists or not different ECC approaches can be deployed [90]. When there exists overlapped FoVs, pairwise calibration is usually used first to find correspondences in the overlapped FoVs. An optimization procedure is then adopted to obtain the best matching correspondence [91,92]. On the other hand, when no overlapped FoVs present, prior knowledge on the moving target (e.g., velocity) and trajectory prediction are needed for calibration [88,93]. Third, depending on the degree of constraints placed on the calibration environment, ECC can either be supervised or fully automated. Most ECC techniques under current literature fall in the supervised category. They demand a priori of the target, such as location of the target [79,93], height of the target [92], or the target’s motion dynamics [88,93,117]. On the contrary, in fully automated ECC, no assumptions on the target or the environment are necessary [87,94].
2.4.2. Coverage Optimization
2.4.3. Camera Sensor Collaboration
2.5. Conclusion
3. QoS Aware MAC Protocols for WMSNs
3.1. EQ-MAC
3.2. N. Saxena et al. and Diff-MAC
3.3. MQ-MAC
3.4. IH-MAC
3.5. AMPH
3.6. PA-MAC
3.7. Conclusion and Future Trends
4. QoS Aware Multipath Routing Protocols for WMSNs
4.1. DGR
4.2. AntSensNet
4.3. Z-MHTR & Z. Bidai et al.
4.4. GEAM
4.5. LCMR
4.6. Conclusion and Future Trends
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Characteristics | Requirements | Approaches |
Battery-powered | Energy efficiency | Energy-efficient computation |
• Image compression algorithms: [26,27,28,29,30,31] | ||
• Video compression algorithms: [32,33,34] | ||
Dynamic power management: [35,36,37] | ||
Energy-efficient communication | ||
• Transport protocols: [38] | ||
• MAC protocols: [39,40,41,42,43,44,45] | ||
• Routing protocols: [46,47,48,49,50,51] | ||
Real-time video data | QoS guarantees | Delay guarantee |
• MAC protocols: [39,40,41,42,43,44,45] | ||
• Routing protocols: [47,51] | ||
Reliability guarantee: [13,52,53] | ||
• MAC protocols: [41,42,44] | ||
• Routing protocols: [46,47] | ||
Prioritization and service differentiation: [4,54] | ||
• MAC protocols: [39,40,41,42,43,44,45] | ||
• Routing protocols: [47] | ||
Quality of Experience | [55,56,57,58] | |
Large volume of multimedia data | Reducing data redundancy | Local processing: [59,60,61,62] |
Multimedia in-network processing | ||
• Multimedia data fusion: [63,64] | ||
• Multi-view video summarization [65] | ||
Distributed source coding: [27,30,34,66,67,68] | ||
In-network data storage and query processing: [69,70,71,72,73] | ||
Higher bandwidth requirement | Multi-channel MAC protocols: [74,75,76] | |
Multipath routing: [46,47,48,49,50,51] | ||
Ultra Wideband technique: [77,78] | ||
Directional sensor coverage | Accurate camera calibration | Intrinsic camera calibration: [79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86] |
Extrinsic camera calibration: [79,80,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94] | ||
Coverage optimization | [95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102] | |
Camera sensor collaboration | [103,104] |
Protocols | EQ-MAC | Saxena et al. [40] | Diff-MAC | MQ-MAC | IH-MAC | AMPH | PA-MAC |
MAC mechanism | hybrid of CSMA/CA and TDMA | CSMA/CA | CSMA/CA | IEEE 802.15.4 | hybrid of CSMA/CA and TDMA | hybrid of CSMA/CA and TDMA | IEEE 802.15.4 |
Synchronization | global, precise | not required | not required | local, precise | local, loose | global, precise | global, precise |
QoS guarantee | delay | throughput, delay | reliability, delay | reliability, delay | delay | reliability, delay | throughput, delay |
Prioritization schemes | traffic types | traffic types | traffic types, traversed hop count of packets | traffic types, packet lifetime | traffic types | traffic types, dynamic | traffic types |
Service differentiation schemes | dynamic slot allocation | adaptive contention window, dynamic duty cycle | adaptive contention window, dynamic duty cycle, weighted fair queuing | dynamic channel allocation, dynamic slot allocation, adaptive contention window | adaptive contention window, dynamic slot allocation | adaptive contention window, dynamic slot allocation | dynamic channel access time control |
Scalability | poor | good | good | medium | medium | poor | poor |
Adaptation to dynamic traffics | good | medium | medium | poor | good | good | poor |
Collision rate | low | medium | medium | low | low | low | high |
Fairness | poor/yes | medium/no | good/no | medium/no | medium/no | good/no | medium/no |
Energy efficiency | good | medium | medium | good | medium | poor | good |
Message passing | no | no | yes | no | no | yes | no |
Clustered | yes | no | no | yes | yes | no | no |
Year | 2008 | 2008 | 2011 | 2015 | 2013 | 2014 | 2016 |
Protocols | DGR | AntSensNet | Z-MHTR & Z. Bidai et al. [49] | GEAM | LCMR |
Routing method | geographic routing | ant colony based routing | ZigBee cluster-tree routing | geographic rouing | ad-hoc on-demand distance vector routing |
Routing metric | geographic distance and deviation angle | pheromone value of residual energy, delay, packet loss rate and available memory | network address | geographic distance | end-to-end delay |
Routing states | one hop neighbor table | one hop neighbor table, routing pheromone table | one hop neighbor table, branches used for tree routing, and/or interfering node table | one hop neighbor table, district information | routing table |
Disjoint paths | yes | yes | yes | yes | no |
QoS metrics | reliability, throughput | reliability, delay, throughput | throughput | throughput | delay, throughput |
Path repair | yes | yes | no | yes | no |
Scalability | good | good | good | good | poor |
Congestion control | no | yes | no | no | no |
Prioritization | no | yes | no | no | no |
Service differentiation | no | yes | no | no | no |
Energy efficiency | medium | medium | good | good | poor |
Clustered | no | yes | yes | no | no |
Interference aware | no | no | yes | yes | no |
Year | 2007 | 2010 | 2012 & 2014 | 2013 | 2017 |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Li, S.; Kim, J.G.; Han, D.H.; Lee, K.S. A Survey of Energy-Efficient Communication Protocols with QoS Guarantees in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks. Sensors 2019, 19, 199. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19010199
Li S, Kim JG, Han DH, Lee KS. A Survey of Energy-Efficient Communication Protocols with QoS Guarantees in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks. Sensors. 2019; 19(1):199. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19010199
Chicago/Turabian StyleLi, Shu, Jeong Geun Kim, Doo Hee Han, and Kye San Lee. 2019. "A Survey of Energy-Efficient Communication Protocols with QoS Guarantees in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks" Sensors 19, no. 1: 199. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19010199
APA StyleLi, S., Kim, J. G., Han, D. H., & Lee, K. S. (2019). A Survey of Energy-Efficient Communication Protocols with QoS Guarantees in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks. Sensors, 19(1), 199. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19010199